It feels like an AA meeting this.
Hi from the UK, my name's Matt and I've been dry for 8 months now. I earned my silver wings in september and things are getting much easier.
I first realized I had a problem when days on end would disappear with no recollection of the events. Time after time I'd wake up in a police cell with lipstick smeared around my face, my underpants on my head, and all my money missing out of my pocket. I'm sure the police shouldn't be allowed to do that, even when you've been arrested.
Things were really difficult at first, there wasn't an hour of the day went past when I didn't crave for some of the amber nectar and I'll be honest I did fold on a couple of occassions but nothing too major. Oh, except the time I ended up at the drive thruough Elvis Wed-O-Rama in Vegas with my brother's pet pig but it's ok we're divorced now. I didn't know you can't get a marriage annulled once you've partaken in carnal coupling. I mean, erm...
Anyway, welcome to the site.
[[Matt finally sits down to a rather worried round of applause from the rest of his 'circle of friends']]