Hi There,
Just wanted to say hello to everyone and to introduce myself, my name is Israel Flores and I am just starting here hoping to learn, meet, and of course write. I have been writing all of my life and recently realized that I should do what I love and try some freelance work. I have submitted content to AC in the past and hope to learn more about Constant Content and provide some good writing and in turn make a little cash.
Hello Everyone
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: Hello Everyone
Welcome Israel. You'll find CC rather different from AC, with more exacting standards. Make sure you read and understand the guidelines before submitting. Lots of your questions could also be answered in the forums so they are well worth a read through too. But if you have more, just ask, and you'll no doubt get lots of replies. Good luck.
Re: Hello Everyone
Thanks for the welcome Jak, I can tell that CC is different from AC in a good way, I think between the FAQ and the forums I will probably find most of the answers to my questions, but I will definitely wont hesitate to ask if I can't.