It seems you have all been busy while i was off installing windows today - 4 down, 2 to go. woohoo!.
Let's see, in no particular order:
I've drank the green coconut water, but would have preferred it cold instead of warm.
My first trip to Barbados was for my wedding, and the other guys in the wedding party and I discovered a fruit vendor that after one taste supplied them with lunch every day for a week (fresh grapefruit, oranges, bananas, mangoes, and more).
Jack fruit I have eaten cooked, but never been close to it raw. Well, I've had the trees pointed out to me often.
The only 2 exotic fruits I can think of that I've had are Bajan cherries, and Aki fruit. And dunks. The cherries are from Barbados and are said to have more Vitamin C than an orange. Aki looks very strange when its ripe with black and red parts to it - you can't eat it until the pod split open. Dunks are little fruit almost the size of a large cherry with a large pit that you have to suck the flesh off - tastey when they are ripe. I spent about an hour one day with my father-in-law, picking these things from a tree because they were almost over ripe.
Let the exotic fruit thread continue!