Hello Everyone

New writer to CC, introduce yourself here!

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:52 am

Hello Everyone

Post by JVtheCPA »

I've always had trouble with the whole introduce yourself to the forums thing. It's not that I'm shy it's just a tad awkward. Anyways, I'm a 28 year old CPA with a few years of public practice and a year or so of private practice underneath my belt. I'm currently seeking an adjunct professor position and thought a great way to help me with my writing skills would be to write some articles. A friend recommended I try selling the articles so I did a bit of research, and here I am.

I'm going to focus mainly on business, namely entrepreneurship and accounting as those are the areas I'm most familiar with, however I may dabble in other areas if I get a wild-hair. I'm setting the full use rights very high on my articles as it's really more for me to build a portfolio than to make a lot of money.

I've submitted my first article and am hoping for it to be accepted, let's hope for the best :D .
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:56 pm
Location: At da crib

Re: Hello Everyone

Post by misterg »

Welcome JV!

If I may make a suggestion, what about some articles on Education/Teaching, and/or maybe Communication? These articles would show you are knowledgeable in areas that your employers might be looking for. Just a thought...

Yeah, I feel you on dat "introduce yo self" thing. We have to do dat for my school's online classes. You're right, it is kinda awkward.

Anyway, good luck wit it! :wink:


Mr. G