Hi Everyone
Another newbie here from the UK.
I signed up to CC about two years ago but never really grasped the concept, in my defense I was a relative newcomer to all things internet. Recent changes in my life have given me the opportunity to revisit a long held passion; and that is to "Become a Freelance Writer" more specifically to be a content writer. I would like to think I've honed my craft on various blogs and developed my voice but I guess the proof is in the pudding when I start publishing/selling articles.
I intend to spend some time reading posts, learning and hopefully becoming a useful member of the forum; no doubt I'll ask some ridiculous questions but I will try to find the answer first.
I am always open to suggestions of how I can improve as a writer, I'm no primadonna and I understand I have a lot to learn so for now I'll bid you a fond farewell and look forward to making your acquaintance.
All the very best
2 Years Later, Hi....
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: 2 Years Later, Hi....
Welcome Rob. Don't shiver on the edge too long. As long as you have read and understood the guidelines, jump in, enjoy the swim and get warmed up. Good luck.