This is like the first day of school

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Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:03 pm

This is like the first day of school

Post by Michael Sparlin »

Do you ever recall walking into a new school and watching all the kids watch you? They stare at you as you pass by and you can tell they are judging your every action. The way you walk, the way your hair is combed, the fact that your high waters expose your ankle socks.

Inside, you're nervous; but on the outside you try to play it cool. You pass along the hallway and see groups of kids, your peers, sizing you up and deciding where you'll fit in their social order. Walking by you realize that you have one shot at making a good impression. One chance, to impress your "coolness" on them. So you give the head nod, the universal gesture of coolness, as you walk by them. Then suddenly, your eyes meet with hers. It's that girl. You don't know her name or really anything about her, but the one thing you do know is that she is making your heart race.

You continue to walk by her and hope that she is noticing you, but in a good way. You look away briefly because you don't want her to catch you staring. Just a few more steps and then you'll be past her view and in the safety of a classroom. As you look back, you see that she is watching you, and so are all the other kids. Just a few more steps. You place your hand on the door and push it as you continue watching over your shoulder. You are "cool"! But as you walk through the door, you notice a smile comes across her face. You smile back and your heart races because she is "flirting" with you. In fact, as you scan the hallway, it looks like everyone is smiling. Then it happens, you turn back, facing the door and you hear the first laughs, as you realize you just walked into the girls restroom.

What? It's a metaphor. It didn't happen to me.

I guess I should have just said, "Hello, my name is Mike, and I'm a authroholic!"
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:19 am
Location: England, UK

Post by fairyfaye22 »

Welcome, Mike!

Your post made me smile. See? >>> :D

I feel like I'm also about to walk into the girls' restroom (well, the boys'!). I'm awaiting my first article rejection and then I'll be there! :wink:

Thank you for your post - an interesting introduction! Welcome!

Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:03 pm

Post by Michael Sparlin »

Hello Hayley,

Greetings from America. Thankyou for the smile and welcome.
I see you are also a newbie here, so don't worry if your first article gets rejected. I'll still sit with you at lunch time. Newbies have to stick together, especially in a new school. :wink:

Just no peeking at my papers. Principle Plager doesn't like cheating. I found that out when I was escorted to his office from the girls room. :)

Note: Principle = Headmaster
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Location: England, UK

Post by fairyfaye22 »

My, you are on form! Isn't it very early in the USA?

We have a deal r.e. lunchtimes! I don't like eating -- or soothing my battered ego -- alone!

I hope you have a productive day! If I don't see you around, I'll assume you're in the headmaster's office again. I'll wait for you outside; I never have to go in there! :wink:

Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:03 pm

Post by Michael Sparlin »

Sorry, I missed your last post.

I was in detention (sleeping).

I hope you have good luck with your article. I plan to try my hand at it soon. I have looked at requested content, and I think I may try that route first. My question now is, which forum should I go to from here? I've made my introduction, but I should find some other place for asking questions and chat. See you at lunch.
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Location: England, UK

Post by fairyfaye22 »

There is a Questions and Answers board at the top of the main forum...


Good luck with the Requested Content section!

Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:03 pm

Post by Michael Sparlin »


I'll give it a try. :)
Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:03 pm

Post by Michael Sparlin »

Inconceivable! the private message doesn't work. How am I to pass notes during class?
Posts: 10
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Location: England, UK

Post by fairyfaye22 »

I know! *sigh* I tried to PM you, too!

You can add me to your MSN, if you have it :D
Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:03 pm

Post by Michael Sparlin »

A noble idea, but unfortunately not. I don't have any instant messaging set up on this computer. :(

So how goes class? Any luck with your articles?
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:19 am
Location: England, UK

Post by fairyfaye22 »

Well, as I expected, I ended up in the boys' restroom. My rejection was good, though: the critique wasn't harsh and the errors are fixable. It wasn't a "your grammar, punctuation and article was all over the place" - which is what I was dreading.

I am taking a break from submitting and going to learn more in-depth exactly how an article should be written, in hope of having success here.

So, in short, class is hard but I'm learning, which is how it should be! How about you?

Last edited by fairyfaye22 on Tue May 01, 2007 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:03 pm

Post by Michael Sparlin »

Grate, wheel meat on tha plaeground thin.

You don't supposed theyd check spaling gud, do you?

I will email you soon :)