Hello Everyone!!

New writer to CC, introduce yourself here!

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:40 am

Hello Everyone!!

Post by cathymcc »

I just signed up at ConstantContent and am excited about joining. I will be trying to find my way so any helpful feedback would be great. Thanks so much. Would you also take a look at my website: http://catmcc.com
Looking forward to visiting with everyone.
Posts: 536
Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:28 pm
Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Hello Everyone!!

Post by HayleyWriter »

Hi Cathy,

Welcome to CC. You've started out well by reading the forums. There is a wealth of information around here. Read the blogs too published by the site - especially for the writing tips and links to helpful pages. My advice to all newcomers is:

1 - Write often. Give yourself a weekly or monthly target of x number of articles to submit here and write often. This helps you to continually practice meeting the submission guidelines and helps you to build up your portfolio of articles to sell.

2 - Write for recent requests AND write articles you want to that have not been requested. Many customers browse through the recently added articles to purchase and others use the search engine to find articles to suit their needs before making a public request. I've sold many articles that were not for requests, so don't just limit yourself to the requests. In fact, as there is a lot of competition for the requests it is sometimes better to write articles on your own ideas. Also, it can take a while to get used to the submission guidelines, so I suggest you write a few articles first on any topic to build up your portfolio and then write for a new request once you have mastered the submission guidelines. This should save you the frustration of getting your requested article rejected and then seeing someone else's article being sold to the requestor first.

3 - Read the submission guidelines VERY carefully. Proofread, proofread, proofread, and then check the document one more time before you submit it.

We are all friendly here, so don't be afraid to ask questions.

Best of luck,
