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Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 1:11 am
by GrayceKelley
I'm new to CC, obviously....and I just wanted to say Hi!
I'm fairly new to online writing and the only other site I've every wrote at is associated content. I'm excited and very eager about getting some things submitted on here and see what happens.
Re: Hey!
Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 2:37 am
by HayleyWriter
Hi Grayce,
Welcome to CC! I haven't personally written for AC, but I understand from other's forum comments that the concepts are quite different. You can actually make more money per article on this site... I've sold articles for up to $120 and I know others who have sold articles for more. There is one article just today on the recently sold list for $80, for example. You can submit the articles you published on AC, but only put a price for usage only on those ones. You can charge more for these licences - the typical prices are between $10 and $75 for usage. One sold today for $60 for usage. Most people who start writing here from AC start charging a pittance for articles, like $5, but you can do better for quality articles on this site.
I do suggest you read the submission guidelines extremely carefully, as I understand the guidelines and standards are a bit different from other internet publishing sites. Feel free to ask questions on the forums, we're a pretty friendly bunch here.
I hope you succeed on this site,'
KInd regards,
Re: Hey!
Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 5:15 pm
by geniuswaitress
Hi Grayce. I recognize you from the AC forums. Welcome.
I've re-sold some of my AC and Helium content here for usage rights. If you aim to do the same, as some have already mentioned above, give them a GOOD going-over first. The standards for getting an article approved here are more strict, but the upside is, buyers will pay much more for content because they know it will be high quality and error-free.
Read the guidelines, be sure you're using the right font and document type, and also be sure you remove and/or rewrite any first-person viewpoints (I missed a parenthetical one in an old article and had my piece rejected once).
Let me know if you need any more help or advice.
-Liz K