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Just another writer

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:49 pm
by jdec
Hi I'd like to introduce myself to this community - I'm John. Seems like this is a very active and helpful place. I like the standards here and hope I can hold up my share of the bargain. I'm not the most available person in terms of participation here, but do understand what it means to be a part of this group and will offer help when I can. That's after I learn the ropes and pay my dues.

Re: Just another writer

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:43 pm
by HayleyWriter
Hi John,

Welcome to CC! One of the best things about CC is that you can write when you are available. Build up a portfolio of articles over time and you will see the sales start to come in. Although some articles will sell straight away, many will sell after two or three months after being accepted. You can sell usage licences several times for the same article too. This means you can earn an income even when you are not actively writing for the site. I'm sure it won't take you long to learn the ropes - just study the guidelines for submitting articles very carefully before you submit. Feel free to ask for help, we're a pretty friendly bunch. I look forward to seeing your articles and to seeing your comments on the forum when you get a chance to actively participate!

Kind regards,


Re: Just another writer

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:36 am
by jdec
Thanks a lot, Hayley . It's like I said this is a very friendly place.