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New on the scene :D

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:24 am
by JamesBarlow

Firstly let me introduce myself, my name is Chris Newman however I write under the name James Barlow for personal reasons. When I first saw cc I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to take my passion for writing and see how I went selling my work to people.

My background in writing stretches back quite a bit. I have authored several sites dealing with self development and self esteem all the way to reviewing games and movies. Ever since I was a young boy, I have always had a passion for creative writing but found myself finishing up any novel I had around page four with the sentence, 'and they lived happily ever after.'

That led me to start producing smaller articles and blog posts that eventually sent me to cc. I hope to get to know you all better over time and wish me luck with my first article! I just click submit about 30 seconds ago. :P

James Barlow

Re: New on the scene :D

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:59 am
by nichewriter
Welcome to CC, James, and good luck with your first sub!


Re: New on the scene :D

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:52 am
by eek
Welcome! But do you want us to call you Chris or James on the forum?
My teen daughter has started dozens of novels, all about a chapter and a half long. I think it's a fantastic way to start a writing career.
Hope you do well with CC, and that first submission. Just make sure you read everything you can on the site, esp. guidelines. Past forum posts can be very enlightening. I would suggest you start with the rejections, then the Q&A, then maybe author exchange.

Re: New on the scene :D

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:34 pm
by JamesBarlow
thanks guys :)

I don't mind whether you call me James or Chris on the forum, I just write under the name James Barlow because I think it has a more rhythmic flow to it.

Just saw a public request in my email inbox, not completely sure what they are for... if anyone could explain a little better that would be amazing.

- James

Re: New on the scene :D

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:50 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Public requests go out to all writers. You can ignore it if you're not interested in the topic. With the public request system, interested writers write the article on spec and the customer then has three days of exclusive review time. If the customer buys it, great! If not, after the three days, the article is put on the site where other customers can buy it. Many articles that don't sell to the original requester then go on to sell to someone else :)