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Hello from Andy in Denver CO

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:49 am
by Domonkos
Hello there, pleased to meet you. I recently came across this site in a late night desperation scramble for outside income. After trying a few survey sites that turned out to be an infinite waste of time, I googled my way into a strange corner of the internet where monetary income may exist. Although my jury is still out on this site, while they also deliberate over several of my other electronic ventures, I maintain reserved optimism that It may have some positive effect on some aspect of my life.

I have submitted a few things, and wait patiently for the editorial deities to cast my work back into the fiery forge of Microsoft Word, where it will suffer endlessly my prodding and poking. So far it is challenging in many aspects,and if nothing else this site has already improved my composition skills.

Although my experience in article writing is more or less nonexistent, I hope to acquire the taste for it, and hopefully create some work that reaches or exceeds the sites standards.

Thanks for the chance.

Re: Hello from Andy in Denver CO

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:05 am
by Celeste Stewart
Welcome to the site. The good news: CC is a viable place to make money unlike many of the "make money online" ads you'll stumble across. Take your time, read the guidelines and the forums and don't be afraid to ask questions along the way.

Re: Hello from Andy in Denver CO

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:24 am
by Domonkos
Thank you for your input. I have read several things you have written in preparation for this venture. You seem to have a firm grip on this industry, and any feedback you can give me is much appreciated. I am attempting to write for a few different publications, and the process itself has proved to be intense and humbling. Above all else I want to stray as far as I can from the trivial and frivolous while generating enough interest to lure in readers.

My first article has already been rejected as expected, the mischievous semi colon was hungover and forgot to show up to the show yet again. I'm going to spend as much time as I can reading the forums, rewiring my brain to accept certain grammatical truths.

Again I thank you for your time.