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Good morning from Northern Minnesota

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:14 am
by Evelyn
After narrowly avoiding an accident during this morning's ice storm, I'm reminded that one should never miss an opportunity to say hello to potential friends. I've been skulking on the edges of your party here at Constant Content for several weeks (the shadowy figure with the hair and the steel-toed boots) reading forum posts from 2007, and it's time to introduce myself.

Family facts: one husband, one genetic daughter, three stepdaughters, four cats, three dogs, one pet garter snake. Built my current home twice because the first one burned down. Do not like plumbing or roofing.

We survived foreclosure last year because my husband found a job after 2 years of searching, so we're on our way up. This gives me time to write things I want to write--nothing about time shares in Myrtle Beach, I hope. My writing kept the lights on last year but it's time for something better, and my fingers are crossed with CC.

In the next year we'll add chickens, rabbits, and perhaps a few goats. My husband wants to start a farm, you see, and since he travels 5 days a week 50 weeks a year that should work out nicely for him.

From reading the forums I already know you'll extend a warm welcome, but I wanted to welcome you as well--if you can find my house in the woods, I'll put the coffee on and we'll have a real chat. Just push the cat off your chair.

Blessings to you and everyone who belongs to you,

Re: Good morning from Northern Minnesota

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:56 pm
by Antonia
Welcome Evelyn! Your home sounds lovely--I take cream and sugar, please :) I'm sure you'll do well at CC. Have you submitted any articles yet? If you've been spending time on the forums you probably know where to go for answers to any questions, but if you can't find an answer just ask. Take care and hope to see more of you!

Re: Good morning from Northern Minnesota

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:33 pm
by Evelyn

I was hoping you'd reply, along with all the other Aussies here. I have a Yahoo chat friend from Sydney and her accent is wonderful (even in chat). When all ya'll come over, I'll put out the biscuits just for you.

Bring some Tim Tams, would you?


Re: Good morning from Northern Minnesota

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:52 am
by eek
Hi Evelyn! Welcome to CC, and I look forward to "seeing" you here on the forums. I drink a very unhealthy cream-loaded coffee every morning, but I've cut back to just one. Still, I'd love to push off a cat and have a cup of cyber coffee and a chat. (I do love cats. Our 3 decorate our kitchen window - outdoors - and the black one startles us at night when she opens her eyes, because otherwise we can't tell she's there.)

Minnesota? Northern???!!! Brrr! It's cold enough here in Missouri. My husband and I lived in warm overseas climates for too long and now we're winter wimps. But I'm a big fan of one thing from Minnesota - I tune in faithfully to Prairie Home Companion every Saturday afternoon.

Personally, it's sanding drywall that I loathe. (and it shows) :? I'm grateful to CC, because it keeps our renovation projects going on our old, foundation-sagging farmhouse.

Hope CC will be a happy home for you.