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Hi from the UK

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:55 am
by dmgray
Just thought I would say hello to everyone on here. I am new to CC and am still learning the processes of pricing and making sure my articles are up to scratch. I have found some great information in here that has helped a lot, so thanks.

I have been writing for many years and have mainly focussed on content for my own websites and promotional work on article directories. I finally decided to concentrate more on article work and hopefully get paid for what I love doing, namely writing.

My main focus in the past has been in the weight loss, health and self-help markets but I love diversity and am already enjoying researching and writing on different subjects.

I hope to learn from more experienced writers on here and although I have yet to make a sale, I am confident and enthusiatic that I can make a success from my efforts here. I have now received 10 successful submissions so can increase my article submissions.

I am enjoying the user-friendly format of CC and am amazed at the fantastic advice that is being offered for free within this forum.

Glad to be aboard and I hope to assist where I can and contribute useful advice as I go along.



Re: Hi from the UK

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:18 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Welcome! I'm sure you'll do well. Congrats on your first ten acceptances.

Re: Hi from the UK

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:19 pm
by jadedragon
Great to have you. Our market is webmasters and you understand that market so you should do well here. One of the best parts is the ability to write what you want, either topics you know well or what you feel like researching. Look at uploading existing content you wrote and own full rights too as well - usage only but it can net you a few extra bucks and fill out your portfolio quickly.

Re: Hi from the UK

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:47 pm
by dmgray
I had never considered uploading my previous articles and content. Thanks for the great advice. Just one quick question, am I able to submit content I wrote for Ezine Articles as long I submit it for usage only? I would think that technically I should have full rights as it was only a submission to a directory.

Re: Hi from the UK

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:02 pm
by jadedragon
From the Author FAQs

I submitted an article to sell for usage rights only. My articles was rejected for originality, but I am the original author of the content.
We can only accept articles that are able to be verified as original to the author. If you choose to submit content published elsewhere by you, please submit articles that are clearly credited to you with your name or the pen name you use on Constant Content. Articles that cannot be verified as original to the author cannot be accepted. If there is no name on the original publication, if the article is credited with a name that does not match your given or chosen name, or if the author's name is not easily located on the page of original publication, the article will be rejected. Do not include location of previous publication anywhere in your submission. Please note: When you submit an article that has been published elsewhere, you may ask usage rights ONLY for the article.

If it is on ezinearticles it might be all over the net with or without your author name. Check a distinct sentence from a paragraph after the first one (some people rework the first paragraph to cover their tracks).

Another trick is to rework content you wrote before for one thing with new words. Saves research time.

Re: Hi from the UK

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:12 pm
by Antonia
Welcome, Darren! Yes, you can submit Ezine articles here for usage only. On the EA TOS it says:
You declare that you are the sole owner and author of the article and own 100% of all copyrights pertaining to it.
Full TOS:

Make sure that your author name at CC matches your author name at EA. You can't include affiliate links anywhere in your CC articles (or any links whatsoever).

Just saw jadedragon's post--I think as long as your ezine article with your name on it is chronologically the first instance of the article anywhere online, it's okay if it pops up elsewhere without your name on it. But I could be wrong. As jade says, sometimes it's easier and faster to do a rewrite of existing content (and fullrights tend to sell better too).

Good luck with everything.

Re: Hi from the UK

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:29 pm
by dmgray
Thanks jadedragon and Antonia for the useful answers. I did think about the problem with pen names from Ezine. I generally used a different pen name for different subjects so yes, it would probably cause me a problem. I like the idea of using those articles as a template to rewrite new articles - that was a great tip. So far, I have submitted some content I wrote for my website. I modified them so as to adhere to CC's rules and the websites are not really that massive, so there should not be a problem with original content and my name is clearly displayed on the articles.

Hopefully, I now have plenty of previous work to keep me busy rewriting and adapting for those times when I am not responding to public requests!

Thanks for all your help.