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8 mo. Internet vet, CC newbie

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 4:27 pm
by allpurposeguru
Hi all, I started my first blog, The All-Purpose Guru (, back in August. Since then, I have added two more blogs and published content on eHow, Factoidz, HubPages, Life123, and Xomba. I have heard great things about Constant Content and am very happy to be here. I just spent most of the past month indexing and proofreading a book I wrote, so it will take me a while to dig out from the backlog of unfinished projects. I don't know when I'll write something for CC--not right away, but before too much longer.

Re: 8 mo. Internet vet, CC newbie

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:18 am
by rosefiend
Indexing! Gaah! Hope you're able to dig out from your backlog soon.

What sorts of topics do you write about?


Re: 8 mo. Internet vet, CC newbie

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:03 am
by Lyndsey
Welcome allpurposeguru,

Keep digging. LOL. We'll see you around the work pile...uhh water cooler.
