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Hi. You can call me CJ :)

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:50 am
by cjgarrett
Greetings, all :)

So I've wandered around a few other sites like CC, and after getting pretty annoyed with most of them, I thought to myself, "Hey, that Constant Content thing is getting some good reviews, how about that?" And the rest, as they say, is history.

I signed up last week, and my first article sold for $100 after being rejected once because I forgot to turn on Spellcheck. That will probably not be my only noob mistake. I sold another to a public request, and I have another two longer ones in that'll hopefully get approved and sold. That makes CC my highest earning site to date - and yes, I realise that makes me sound pathetic, but I have a fulltime job too doing stuff that I hate like nothing else on earth, and I can't devote as much time as I'd like to doing articles.

I want to write for a living. This is where I'm starting out.

Okay, so, things I know about - I'm a colossal nerd, so I know all kinds of stuff about computing, gadgets, games and the Internet. I'm into history, and art, and I can read superhumanly fast - like, the complete Lord of the Rings trilogy in seven or eight hours fast. I know a lot about feminism, of all things, and I love cars but I have no idea what makes them go.

I'm into amateur photography, and I just got my first DSLR. My photos are still crap, though.

I started a new blog called I'm Not Buying That, which is all about bad advertising. I'm a graphic designer by trade, and seeing as my main job deals a lot with advertising, this kinda lets me let off some steam.

Yeah, I think that's everything. Hi, my name is Christopher James Garrett. You can call me CJ. :)

Re: Hi. You can call me CJ :)

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:42 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Welcome! Sounds like you're off to a terrific start.