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Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:04 pm
by SarahM
Hi - I joined here a little while ago but have only just steeled myself to post my first article - which got accepted after I was asked to do a bit of tinkering. I write mainly about literature, ancient history, mythology and books but I am looking at ways to expand my range and explore other subjects that are both interesting to me and likely to sell well.
I've decided to turn the current difficulties with getting a decent job in South Wales into a positive and concentrate on learning how to make a living through writing which I've always wanted to do, so I've thrown myself in at the deep end a bit and it's going to be a steep learning curve I fear!

Sorry if this has already been addressed somewhere - but is it normal for customers to make offers and then simply not follow them up? I was excited the day after I posted my first article when a customer offered me a price for it and I accepted but since then nothing has happened - the offer is still there but no money and no download - I'm somewhat bemused and wondering if there was something else I needed to do or what?

Anyway that's all for now - see you later!

Re: Hello

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:27 pm
by Gouldm80
Welcome to CC, Sarah.
I thought this would help to answer your question. ... =4&t=20980
Best of luck to you. :)


Re: Hello

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:23 am
by SarahM
Thanks very much for that Mike - looks like I just have to wait and see what happens then. Presumably, this means that if I get an exclusive offer in the meantime I can withdraw my acceptance.

Re: Hello

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:25 am
by jadedragon
If someone else buys the article will no longer be available to the first (non) buyer. Hope it sells for you soon.