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Hey y'all!

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:52 pm
by misterg
My name is George; I go by "Mr. G".

Just wanted to say 'hey' to er'body.

Please don't pay too much attention to how I write on the boards. I tend to post/blog/email, the way I speak informally in real life. But I'd never try to incorporate that into one of my articles!

I'm workin' on my first article for CC right now, and I'm lovin' dis place already! I'm kinda lickin' my wounds after being rejected by DS. I am on with Hubpages, AC, TB (level 4 - how can you make level 4 @ TB and get rejected by DS? :? ), and a few others. But from what I've seen so far, this looks like da place to be!

Anyway, again, just wanted to say 'hey'.


Mr. G

Re: Hey y'all!

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:55 pm
by MelissaNott
Hey Mr. G,
Welcome to CC!
Where are y'all from?

Re: Hey y'all!

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:07 pm
by misterg
MelissaNott wrote:Where are y'all from?
Oh, you got jokes! :roll: :wink:

Naw, just playin'...

I'm originally from Detroit, now in Ohio.

Re: Hey y'all!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:47 am
by PJRiddel
Hi Mr G

Just joined myself and not with any others yet, so I'm a complete beginner...

Nice to meet you,


Re: Hey y'all!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:15 pm
by misterg
Hey Phil!

Nice to "meet" you as well. If there's anything I can do to help, lemme know.

Good luck to you with your writing...


Mr. G