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New to CC, new to writing for actual money

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:09 am
by abnichols
Hi Writers, Editors and everyone else at CC. I am a new writer and new to CC. I live in Maine and work as a registered nurse to make sure my bills are paid. I like to write about animals, kids, parenting, science, health, travel, and many other things I probably have not thought of yet. I also have a humor blog that I am currently neglecting, and I like to write fiction. I am married and have two sons. My husband and I like to to hike, mountain bike, sea kayak, listen to music, read, cook...Glad to be here and excited to start writing. Thanks!

Re: New to CC, new to writing for actual money

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:13 am
by Judith
Welcome!! I am also from Maine, living in the Western Foothills but presently in Florida, avoiding the arctic cold :) I'm sure you'll enjoy CC! I've been here a fwe months now and find everyone helpful and great!

Re: New to CC, new to writing for actual money

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:48 pm
by VersantScribe
Hello! Looks like you have quite the arsenal of things to write about. :) Just do yourself a favor, and when you get the idea for an article WRITE IT DOWN as soon as possible I can't tell you how many article ideas have come and gone in my head.) Small notebooks in your purse may help, but seeing as you're a nurse you may just have to get creative, lol. No writing on patients though, no matter how deeply asleep they are. Unless they're in a coma and you're certain you can clean the pen scribbles off before they wake up. ;p

Good luck!

Re: New to CC, new to writing for actual money

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:00 pm
by abnichols
Thank you for your replies!
Judith, you are smart to be down in Florida right now. It's really cold and white here. I am on the coast near Bar Harbor.
VersantScribe, no, nothing about patients. Although I have to say there are times.... :? I actually keep a little voice recorder with me most of the time, so that helps. Unless I mumble and can't understand myself later; the auditory equivalent of not being able to read your own writing. So far have had two articles accepted, so I am happy about that. Back to work!