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A Little Nervous

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:01 pm
by Trefold
So I stumbled upon this site after the studio (content mill) I was working for went under. Some of the writers from this other place were talking about it and I decided to check it out. I was a little amazed by what I saw and all that but frankly overwhelmed. The restrictions and requirements here were much more extensive then at the other place. I applied, got approved, than bookmarked and neglected to do more then read for about two months. X-D Today I decided to finally sit down and write for CC, I got a 1,000 word tech article and have literally spent the better half of a day writing it. I just submitted it a few minutes ago and I feel incredibly nervous. >.< About how long does it take for the article to get reviewed? And once CC gives articles approval how long does it usually take a client to say yay or nay?

Re: A Little Nervous

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:38 am
by imbafuzz
yup! Its hard to get article approved here than other places.