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Hi: New to CC.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:19 am
by Joanna815
Hi everyone, :D
I just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I am new to CC. I ordinarily write for Associated content but wanted to branch out a little. So, far I have been rejected twice by CC. I'm a little bummed out by that but I know i could do better. Hehe. I posted a message already about the Three strikes your out rule. I dont' know if anyone read it. I also wanted to know if there is somewhere where we can post our rejected articles to help each other see what may have gone wrong. (I hope this made sense). I look forward to getting to know everyone here at CC.

Joanna Lopez

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:55 am
by Michael Sparlin
Hello Joanna,

I'm also new here to but thought you should be welcomed. After all, thet courtesy was extended to me. I haven't heard much about this site, but it seems promising. Good luck with your wrtiting :o)

Re: Hi Michael

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:47 am
by Joanna815
:D Hi Michael,

Thanks for the warm greeting. I've heard a lot of Constant Content that's why I came here. Its tough. They are strict. I send two to three articles and they all were rejected. I'm going to try again. I guess I have to practice my grammar even more now. Just when I had it licked. Hehe. Have you've been published here? Like, I said I usually write for Have you've been there?



Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:58 am
by cbhrbooth
Welcome Joanna and Michael! I hope you find that your decision to use CC a profitable career move. Joanna - I'm not familiar with the 3 strikes & out rule, so I can't help you there, but I think you'll appreciate CC's editorial standards once you get the hang of the process.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:30 am
by Michael Sparlin

I am also new here. As for being published on this site, not yet. I have just received my first rejection. They cited 2 easily correctable errors. I hope that's all I have to address in order to get accepted.

This is my first serious attempt into publication. I have been published on another site, but the standards are not as rigid. I was sent to CC from another member of that site. If you want some info, you can write me at I don't want to advertise the other out of respect for CC.

I admire the candid responses I have seen so far from the staff here. I hope I'm able to make the "cut". As for Applied Content, I have glanced at the website once, but haven't given it a fair look. Maybe I'll check on it later.


Thank you for the greeting and encouragement. You sound like a veteran of this site. Your advice is appreciated. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:05 am
by constant-content
You can post in the rejection forum, but every rejection email should contain the reason why the article was rejected.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:22 am
by Michael Sparlin

Thank you for the advice about the rejection forum. I'm sure I'll utilize it. One question, if I may, in order to clarify your point. Except for an article that is loaded with errors, does your staff try to address all the editing issues in the rejection letter? I understand the burden it would place on your staff to correct everything. My concern is in only addressing what was cited in the rejection letter and then missing other key points. My Thanks in advance for your response.