Hello everyone

New writer to CC, introduce yourself here!

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Hello everyone

Post by telyni »


I found this site through a discussion on Helium and thought it might be a good time to branch out a bit. I hear this is a good place to write, and I'm looking forward to being productive and maybe filling some requests.

I've currently got two articles in review and two more ready to go once I've got something submitted successfully. I tend to write slowly overall, but in fairly solid bursts of activity (six articles in two days, and then nothing for a week, for example). I'm working on being more consistent though, and it looks like the pace of this site is slower than others I've encountered anyway. The flip side is that the quality appears to be quite high overall.

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Post by constant-content »

Hi and welcome to CC.
Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
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Post by Michael Sparlin »

Hi Telyni,

I just got here myself from Helium. I bet I know the thread you are talking about. In any case, this is different from Helium in that CC will readily reject any article that has even the most minute error. It is their way of assuring quality. From the posts I have read, they have no problem with suspending accounts if errant articles are submitted more than once. So my advice is, proof read, spell check, proof read again, leave it for a day, then proof read again.

I am on attempt #2 of my first article. Looking over it, I see one sentence that concerns me. It is spelled correctly and is grammatically sound, but I wish I would have rephrased it now. Time will tell if it makes the grade.

In summary, this seems to be a good site, but don't mess around. Welcome and good luck.
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Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 12:48 pm

Post by telyni »

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the welcome. I certainly don't intend to mess around. I haven't been very active on Helium for a few weeks, but if you saw any of the discussions I had with the admin, you'll know that I'm still concerned about the level of quality there, and they never really did address that. That's one reason I haven't been writing much there lately. It was a great place to get my feet wet and get some things out there, but I probably won't post anything very serious there any more.

I think it's great that there's a high standard here and that the editors make sure that each submission upholds them. That way buyers who come here looking for high quality articles can find what they want and pay a good price for them.

So far, I had one minor problem with the first article I submitted, but I fixed it and got it accepted earlier today. Your point about proofreading is very good (I could wish that Helium people proofread half as much as is necessary here).

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Post by constant-content »

If its the thread I'm thinking about half the thread is full of false info.... That is my biggest problem with Helium, they don't check work, you can't comment if someone is writing something that is incorrect, and its full of plagiarism. CC thread are full of comments that are just incorrect, mainly from writers who used the site for about 5 minutes or heard about the site from a forum.

Don't get me started on Helium ;)
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Post by telyni »

I didn't see anything in the Helium threads about CC that was blatantly wrong, although it did look like a few people just tried it out for a short time. Maybe I missed something since I don't know CC as well as Helium yet. But you're right, incorrect facts and plagiarism are huge problems there.

It's certainly a lot slower and quieter here, which is a nice change.

Michael Sparlin
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Post by Michael Sparlin »


I agree with your last posts regarding Helium. I've not heard any bad mouthing of CC, just that it's another place to "GET MONEY". This seems to be the motivating factor for most there, although isn't that human nature? As for their standards, I have to agree. The contests they are promoting has caused the quality to diminish. I have not actively participated in the contest because I don't want to submit substandard work. As it is, Helium was my first attempt at any kind of authorship and I have submitted some articles that I now cringe at. My perspective on what constitutes "good writing" is changing the more I get into this. I will say, I am greatful for what Helium has taught me and I still plan to use it.

As for CC, I consider this a graduated measure towards authentic publication. It's my belief that I can write quality articles, but I will have to keep myself in check and make sure I stretch myself writing skills for the better.

One more note on Helium (I feel as though I placing their flag on CC soil).
I think they will eventually accept that stricter regulation is needed. I am afraid that by opening all topics to unqualified authors, they may be opening a Pandora's Box (ie. topics addressing medical questions). Also, substand articles, wrongfully ranked high by peers, will chase away visitors who are truly on a quest for knowledge. I think their staff is smart enough that they'll find the proper balance eventually. After all, they are still a new site.

Well, I think I'm done. Anyone else need the microphone?
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Post by constant-content »

Helium and CC have really nothing in common, except they pay writers. If anything they compete with Wikipedia, but do a very poor job at that. The idea behind it is for it to turn into where people go to find answers. Experts post opinions on subjects just like Wikipedia. The problem is nobody governs it. Wikipedia has a team of people that are always watching for plagiarism and just false info.

Really its just another Associated Content trying to make money on posting others content but thats not how they talk about the site. They talk like its going to be the next online encyclopedia.... Not a chance.
Michael Sparlin
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Post by Michael Sparlin »

I cannot argue against your points. Much improvement is needed in order for Helium to be considered an authoritative source of information. I continue to be the optimist, and hope they will be able to address their issues over time. After all, everyone needs a learning curve.

They set a high mark for themselves. Time will tell if a liberal publishing policy will allow them to reach it.
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Location: Northern California


Post by kimnsoph »

Hello everyne,

I should have introduced myself before posting questions to the forum! I'm Sophie and I live in California. I'm from the UK. I have submitted two articles so far. One is still under review. No bites yet though!

All the best,
Sophie :D
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Location: Northern California


Post by kimnsoph »

Hello everyne,

I should have introduced myself before posting questions to the forum! I'm Sophie and I live in California. I'm from the UK. I have submitted two articles so far. One is still under review. No bites yet though!

All the best,
Sophie :D
Michael Sparlin
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:03 pm

Post by Michael Sparlin »

Hello Sophie,

Welcome to CC. I'm new here also, but like what I've seen so far. This site is strict regarding content they'll take, but fair.

So, from UK to CA, an actress I would bet. LA is has them all over :0)
Funniest thing when I was out there, people meet you, say hello nice to meet you , you want my head shot?
I was relieved to find out they meant pictures for studio work :)
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:36 am
Location: Northern California

Thanks for the welcome

Post by kimnsoph »

Hello Michael,

Thanks for the welcome. I don't have a glamorous story to tell! I'm just here because my husband is in the military (for one more week) and then we'll stay here for a while. It's nice to see so much more of the sun than in the UK! But it still does not beat home though.

All the best,