Accepting Failure One Day at a Time

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Accepting Failure One Day at a Time

Post by SLPerini »

Finding out all the ways that you can fail slowly unveils all the ways that you can succeed.

Hi Writers and Readers,

I'm Steven. I'm not registered as an author on C-C because, to be honest, I'm clearly not ready from a grammatical standpoint. I'm planning on reading old and new forum subjects during the next xx days as well as asking new questions while better preparing to reach a very high acceptance rate on my articles in order to carry through the infamous starter period.

Reading this, you've probably already noticed at least one mistake. Being self-aware, I can certainly see that the second sentence is quite long-winded. However, I can't tell exactly where I would need to break that sentence up, and this is why I'm reading books such as "Elements of Style" before I consider going further.
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