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I'm very excited about writing for Constant Content!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:00 pm
by Rebecca Anne Grant
I am very excited about writing for Constant Content. I am very happy to be a part of the forum. I enjoy writing. Writing allows me to express myself openly and people actually are interested in what I have to say, which really blows me away. I hope this is a long lasting relationship, seeing how writing is my life.

Rebecca Anne Grant

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 7:58 pm
by Raya Wolfsun
Hi there, and welcome! You're certainly in a good place if writing is your thing - what sorts of things do you like to write about?

Always nice to meet a fellow illustrator as well... although perhaps I shouldn't be calling myself that yet, because I've only just received my first true illustration task and I've barely started working on it (and I have to confess that's largely because I'm not sure how to set about). Anyway, what kind of artwork do you do?

Reply To Raya Wolfsun

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:52 pm
by Rebecca Anne Grant
I hope I am doing this right. I am so new to computers that it isn't funny. I write short story fiction, rhyming poetry, children's books and illustrate them, I have a web site at, so you can check it out. There, I have my own blog which I need to post more opinions on. I do art in graphite, charcoal, pen & ink, color pencil and pastels. My favorite is charcoal. I love the way the shades are brought out, bringing the picture to life. I get extremely excited about creating things. Now, I write articles too. Life is great! Thanks for making me feel welcome here.

Rebecca Anne Grant

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:35 pm
by Raya Wolfsun
You do children's books too! :D
Well, to be frank I'm a little surprised that I was asked to illustrate a children's book - I wouldn't have thought my style of art worked with that. (You can see some of my work here if you like.) Most of my work these days is digital - it's like working with paint that never dries and never runs out... ;)

Unfortunately I had some trouble accessing your site - I got to the main page, but none of the links would load. Not sure if that's because of a problem with the website or issues with my Internet access (which is unfortunately a little shaky these days), but I shall try again because I really would like to see your work!

I checked out your work.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:30 pm
by Rebecca Anne Grant
I did check out your work and I would like to say that I liked the Raindance the best. I thought it was beautiful. You are very talented. I have not posted any of my artwork on my site. I just have a short fiction story, a poem, my picture, and my blog and a subscription to Rebecca's Poetry Corner, where I send one poem a day on Monday-Friday for for weeks for $20.00 through e-mail. I haven't thought about uploading any of my artwork to my site. You have given me a great idea. Thanks! It is nice to be able to talk to someone who lives so far away. This modern age is amazing. I do believe you will do very well as an illustrator. Your pictures are unlike any I have ever seen.

Rebecca Anne Grant