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Hi Everyone!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:45 pm
by aderby

I'm Amy, a freelance and self-publishing writer from Chicago. (Anyone else in Chicago? Furthermore, anyone live someplace WARM and want a house guest until approximately June? :? I know I am a stranger and all, but I am a really NICE stranger. :D )

Ok, ok, I am also an insomniac who drinks too much coffee and who smokes too much.

Other than those faults, I am flawless. I promise. (insert crossed fingers here)

Anyone else awake? :shock:

P.S. I admit, I am primarily posting this intro just to see if my signature line works. :roll: (These bbb codes are evil. :twisted: ) So, no need to "welcome" me. As you can see, I talk to myself & entertain myself quite nicely... :wink:


Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:41 pm
by Nessiee
I'm going to welcome you anyway! So welcome! That's all....

Okay, so that's not all - what can I say?

Ahh... not from Chicago, or some place warm for that matter, sorry. It's getting mighty cold here, and awfully fast too. I want summer back.

And sorry, but I'm not good with bb code, otherwise I'd help you out there :)

So, welcome! Have fun here... and yea, that's really it now.

thanks :-)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:22 pm
by aderby
thank ye, thank ye
:lol: <---this face kinda scares me, btw...
just in case anyone was wondering :shock:

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:03 pm
by Nessiee
All the faces kind of scare me, except for :? which I think is just cute, 8) which I find cool, :cry: which I find sad and :roll: which I find funny....

I concure

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:07 pm
by aderby
:roll: is kinda nice
:P looks like blood in mouth
there is a face on one board I go to that has three question marks on its head (I think it's supposed to mean confused). I refer to that one as :questionmarkhair: . We need that one here. :?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 2:26 am
by malward
Welcome aderby. Nice to see you have such a great sense of humor. No, I'm not from a warm place. I live in Canada, not far from Chicago, so no sense in inviting you to stay here. We're already freezing and have the flu and colds. :cry: I didn't need this. LOL

I kind of like this little guy. :shock: He looks stunned. I will be glad when I can think straight again. I need some :idea: to work on. Right now I couldn't write much if my life depended on it. LOL

Hope you have lots of luck here. It's a great place. :)