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The illiterate writer
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:42 pm
by ziggyfamily
My name is Jon. I am a tree trimmer from Michigan.
For years I have been able to make people laugh with my absurd humor, so I decided to write down a few stories and see if the humor would survive the transition.
Unfortunately, having never planned to do any writing, I failed to see the importance of learning spell, write, or use a computer, and instead chose to spend my school years majoring in partying and sleeping.
But alas, here I am, the illiterate writer.
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:51 pm
by Article Admin
Welcome to Constant-Content. I wouldn't say you are illiterate. Your articles are all enjoyable to read. We just had to get them right and now you're doing a great job. I was quite happy to see that all submissions tonight were publishable.

Like I said, "Never give up."
Article Admin
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:40 am
by LJade
Welcome to the crew Jon!
Just because you spent lots of time goofing off in school doesn't mean you can't write. I'm guilty too! School was just a social place for me, I loved to talk. In junior high my science teacher got ticked at me often but one day....
Ole Mr. Beckham told me, "Stop your nomadic behavior in my classroom and sit down at YOUR desk".
A little confused I said, "nomadic?"
In an irritated voice he said, "Yeah, if you spent more time paying attention you would know what that means!"
Mr. Beckham went on writing on the blackboard and when he turned around...there I was holding my hand up high. Mr. Beckham replied with a passive sigh, "Yes Lisa, what now?", he asked.
Proudly I said,"Mr. Beckham, my behavior isn't 'nomadic' at all. I had to tell my friends about the movie I saw this weekend. It was about a family in Texas that killed people with chainsaws and they even ate them, they won a chili contest using people meat! I wasn't wandering, my travel across the classroom had real purpose and I'm pretty sure that nomadic means to roam with no purpose".
I got in trouble but here I am!
Welcome & Good Luck!

Lisa> (LJ)
a.k.a. LadyJade!
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:56 pm
by Nessiee
Welcome, welcome.... No one here is expected to be perfect, so that's why I love it that the editors are willing to help us to write better. They work hard with us to publish great articles that people will enjoy. So, even if you are getting rejected, don't get discouraged. It happens to the best of us. Just take it as a compliment that the great people of this site are willing to take the time to help you improve.
So, have fun.... and I can't wait to see lots of things from you!
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:07 am
by mattsterrr
School? What was that? I had no interest in anything academic. In fact, I went to an all boys school, situated right next door to the all girl's school. Strangely I got kicked out of the school next door more often than I attended my own.
Welcome to the site.