Hello and how to get byline properly credited on articles?

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Hello and how to get byline properly credited on articles?

Post by ston_bran »

"If you wish to receive a byline, you must include your name in the article."

Speaking of writers' guidelines...could I get some clarification on this part of the submission guidelines? I originally included a short bio at the end of my articles, but had to remove that because it was considered promo material. I DO want a byline on the articles I sell through CC, whether they are usage or unique. Where do I put my name to get the byline and not have the article rejected? Under the title?

Thanks for the guidance!

-Brandy Stoner

P.S. Hi. My name's Brandy and I am really new at this. But growing rather fond of this site and starting to understand the guidelines better as the days go by. I had my first usage sale within a matter of days on CC. Thank you.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

I usually do this:

Title of the Article
By Celeste Stewart

This is the body of the article. It has never been a problem. Article continues blah, blah, blah.....

Good luck -- welcome to the fun!
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byline issues

Post by mskatmoon »

In many other places, a byline can be a short paragraph explaining your background. But here at Constant Content I believe that is just your name. I have never seen it any other way here.