I reccently released my first 2 books: Another Side of the Coin (ISBN # 1-933582-11-1), and When the Holy Spirit Reveals (ISBN #1-57502-716-X).
Another Side of the Coin
Another Side of the Coin is worlds apart from most other books that address the controversy surrounding “the Faith Movement,” in that it answers the critics of Faith teaching by using quotations from those who have been accused of espousing heretical doctrine. It is primarily a suitable answer to accusations made by Hank Hanegraaff in his 1993 book, Christianity in Crisis. Another Side of the Coin plainly and openly illustrates the teaching of the Word of Faith concerning faith, the deity of Jesus, the cross, sickness and the believer, prosperity and God’s will concerning it...plus much more.
Another Side of the Coin is not an attempt by the author to answer the critics with his own opinion as has taken place in most writings on this subject. Rather, it allows the Faith teachers themselves to clarify their beliefs from their own preaching and writing showing that they are indeed not teaching heretical doctrine as some have claimed. This book also has been given support, in writing by those quoted and addressed within its pages—aside from Mr. Hanegraaff.
This book has not been written as an attempt to say, “We are right and they are wrong!” Rather, this is a prayerful effort at giving a proper answer to the critics of the Word of Faith. It is the desire of my heart that this writing be a tool to bring about restoration between both sides of this controversial debate.
Another Side of the Coin is a detailed rebuttal to the various accusations made by Mr. Hanegraaff. After years of research, Gregg has written a tool to dispel the myths waged against the teachers of the Word of Faith and their message. If you're confused about the teaching and motivation of the Word of Faith, and are open to compare both sides…then this book is for you!
When the Holy Spirit Reveals
When The Holy Spirit Reveals, endeavors to thoroughly examine twelve controversial themes in Christianity, such as the power of our words, visualization, tithing, unity with the Body of Christ, and the Rapture. It contains several word studies from the original Hebrew & Greek texts which help to give it a practical, but yet insightful inquiry for answers into these difficult questions. When The Holy Spirit Reveals provides practical scriptural answers which will build and intensify your faith in God and His Word.
You can check them out at: www.b2bablessing.org
God bless,