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New Writer

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:54 am
by Tuomas Tapola
Nice to meet you all.

For a few years I have liked writing a lot, but I never really went after it. I used to write when I had lots of time, or nothing better to do. Now I have finally reached a time where I can write as much as I want to, for a while.

The biggest problem I have with writing is that since my childhood I am unable to read and write correctly (if someone knows what this is called in English I would really appreciate it; I have tried to find a translation for it, but I only know the word in Finnish). Writing in a language that is not even my native language does not make it easier at all. This time I have decided not to give up, even if I would have to proof read my articles several times before submission.

Because of my disability to read and write correctly I am having hard time with proofreading what I have written. No matter how much I try; I always miss some mistakes and errors. In the worst case I might have even written an sentence that does not make sense at all; my brain says it makes sense when I read it.

It is going to take some courage and many times of proofreading before I will even dare to try submitting my first article on Constant Content. Hopefully, I will be able to manage to write an article worth to be accepted here.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:06 pm
by CRDonovan
Hi Tuomas, and welcome to C.C.

I think the English word for the reading/writing problem you speak of may be dyslexia. Is it the kind of thing when your brain mixes up the order of letters and words?

Anyway, writing is tough enough without extra challenges. If you read comments in the forum you'll find that others have struggled with proofreading too. Good luck!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:20 pm
by Tuomas Tapola
After having checked the definition of dyslexia and what you said, sounds like what I have. Basically I can read a text, no matter who wrote it, and not see simple mistakes like letters missing. When I write myself, I tend to do many spelling mistakes. Strange I am doing way better with Japanese spelling than with Alphabetical spelling.

Been reading lots of comments on this forum and others; I know that I am not the only one with hard time proofreading. Even with me my proofreading has gotten slightly better, I still got my doubts of being able to see all my mistakes. To write good English, or any other language I know, I just have to proofread them again and again; the only way I seem to see some mistakes.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:33 pm
by CRDonovan
Another writer was having this issue recently, and there were some good suggestions about how he could improve his ability to proofread. Writers and support people are very helpful here. You might want to pose this as a question in the Questions section (or whatever that first section up top is called), I bet you'll get some good ideas.

Hi and Welcome!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:10 am
by breidi
First of all welcome to Constant Content!

I have much trouble with proofreading my own work. I downloaded ReadPlease and have been doing much better. It has help me sell several articles at several sites as well as helped with article submissions here. When I hear someone else say the words wrong it is much easier for me to catch my mistakes. Funny how the eyes and the ears can work so different.

Best of Luck to you with your submissions! I believe you will find the community of writers here have excellent suggestions. The atmosphere is that of friendship and competition. I have found that authors are very congradulaotory and genuine when another author sells articles. Constant Content is definately an awesome opportunity!

Good Luck in your future writings!

Breidi Caparatta

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:43 pm
by Tuomas Tapola
At C.R. Donovan:

That sounds like a good idea, I shall go and ask. Hopefully I will get some nice answers.

At breidi:

If someone reads it for me it should work as reading and listening are two different things. If I could listen to the text what I have written, I think I would be able to recognize more mistakes.

So far I have tried submitting one article. The article is still under review, so I do not know what the result will be.