Good morning. I'm new to Constant Content. I've submitted two article. The first came back with revision requested. The second was accepted. I made the revisions and uploaded the file. This morning I received a rejection stating I had not made any changes. I assume I resubmitted incorrectly. Should I have taken the old version out and put the new in where they'd made the requests? I thought by uploading the file the editors would see it.
Can someone please clarify. I don't want to make this mistake again.
Resubmission question
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: Resubmission question
I think it's a bit confusing. You need to click "save" under the article content and THEN you click "resubmit." If you just hit resubmit, the article submits without changes. Been there and done that. 

Re: Resubmission question
Hi! Wow, congrats on your article acceptance! It's pretty rare that a new writer gets an acceptance without any revisions. I think you'll do well here!
Lysis is right - I'm pretty OC about getting rejections or revisions as I don't want to get banned, so the one article I did revisions for - I clicked submit, then opened the article again to read it over - none of my revisions were there!!!! Turns out you have to click SAVE before SUBMIT.
Lysis is right - I'm pretty OC about getting rejections or revisions as I don't want to get banned, so the one article I did revisions for - I clicked submit, then opened the article again to read it over - none of my revisions were there!!!! Turns out you have to click SAVE before SUBMIT.
Re: Resubmission question
Thank you both for your replies!