Rejection due to formatting

Area for content rejection questions.

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Rejection due to formatting

Post by cgardener »

You rejected my article due to formatting problems, spelling (I did not find any misspelled words) and because the word "myriad" is supposed to be singular? I admit to the formatting problems, because I was using headings instead of just bolding, and it did end up looking to large, but I could not find any other formatting problems. As for "myriad", I looked it up, and this is what Merriam-Webster says:

Main Entry:
1myr·i·ad Listen to the pronunciation of 1myriad
Greek myriad-, myrias, from myrioi countless, ten thousand

1 : ten thousand 2 : a great number <a myriad of ideas>
usage Recent criticism of the use of myriad as a noun, both in the plural form myriads and in the phrase a myriad of, seems to reflect a mistaken belief that the word was originally and is still properly only an adjective. As the entries here show, however, the noun is in fact the older form, dating to the 16th century. The noun myriad has appeared in the works of such writers as Milton (plural myriads) and Thoreau (a myriad of), and it continues to occur frequently in reputable English. There is no reason to avoid it.

I've resubmitted the article, and unless the person has already bought another article (which I have no way of knowing), I seriously do not see what is wrong with it. It is on par with other articles you have accepted.

This concerns me, since I'm only allowed three rejections, and now I have two in one day, and 7 more to be reviewed.
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Re: Rejection due to formatting

Post by Ed »

Please run your article through a spellchecker. Mine found misspellings in your article.

A myriad IS.

Myriads ARE.

It is not correct to say "myriad are."