Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant


Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by VanDaim »

I would like to know if it is me or this doesn't make any sense at all...

I had my account suspended (and well, as those articles were just trash and badly written, with lots of mistakes).
So I took those articles, I've worked on them, had some proofreading (I've asked for some help here in order to have some proofreading but I suppose that, as an ESL writer, I wasn't worth of it.)

I have those articles, as I said before, and resubmitted them, under a different account. One week passed and no replies. I have asked why those articles weren't reviewed and the answer was, and I quote, "Articles associated with this account were previously submitted under an account that has been suspended. Articles from authors whose accounts were previously suspended are not reviewed because the author's writing does not meet our standards. Please seek another market for your work."

So the question is if, instead of sending those old rejected articles, I decided to send new ones, they would be reviewed and, probably, could be once again rejected OR accepted?
If I had bad articles, I don't have the chance of having them reviewed, even if they were revised and proofread? (not by any CC member as I said before...).

I do not want to think that this has happened because I do not belong to those who write, speak and live in English...

If anything is badly written in this post, any kind of basic error is at sight, please feel free to reply. I will edit it as soon as I can.

Thank you.
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Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by Ed »

We accept only content from authors who have an excellent grasp of written English, whether or not they are native English speakers or not. Many natural-born English speakers are not able to submit content to our site that meets our standards. Conversely, there those who have learned English as a second language who succeed here because they can consistently submit error-free, quality work. Because Constant Content promises its customers high quality content, we must be very particular about what articles we allow to appear for sale on our site.

When you registered for Constant Content, you agreed to the statement:
I understand that Constant Content reserves the rights to decline any work they feel does not meet their requirements. I am welcome to submit other work for approval even if one article has been declined. However, I understand that, if three articles are declined, Constant Content will accept no more submissions of my work.

I'm sorry that you do not like our rules or our standards, but every writer here is expected to abide by them. If writers cannot meet our standards, they cannot write for Constant Content. This protocol is outlined upon registration.


Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by VanDaim »

I wouldn't bother in asking for a review of my articles if I wasn't aware of my work...I am just asking for a review, that's all...but hey, I'm not even an English writer...

edit: I just can't resist on this "solid english" that your beloved Support have sent to me:

From: Support []
Sent: segunda-feira, 16 de Março de 2009 18:44
To: Acácio J Martins
Subject: Re: Customer Feedback - Author Problem

I don't think you understand. If you get suspended that's the end of it. We can't except anymore submissions from you. We apologize for the confusion.


end of quote

"We can't EXCEPT"?? But as a bad reader I can't understand that...oh, wait...this is content from an author who have an excellent grasp of written it "accept"?
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Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by Constant »

Mr Van Daim,
I understand your frustration. We have some very specific guidelines that allow us to operate in a competitive and highly unregulated online world. We are not singling you out as a 'bad' writer. We have to make hard decisions that maximize the resources we have at our disposal, and sometimes that means people get left behind in ungracious ways. Our editors have time to quickly review articles and decide whether they meet our standards or not. If they do not, they are rejected. Despite this hurried work environment, our editors still often find the time to provide small pieces of advice to ensure that writers understand the circumstances of the rejection. But if too often the work submitted is beyond the meager amount of available time for editing, we make the decision to ask the writer to submit their work to someone who can do it justice with their time and expertise. This is not an insult. Many of the greatest works of literature were edited for years, and only published after great pains. We are not able to accommodate great literature, just mistake-free, easy to read, content that can be generated quickly. It is a very specific skill set, and one that can be learned over time. I hope that you find many ways to articulate your love of the written word, but please understand that this is a business and not an editorial review board.

David Kool

PS - our support staff will be severely chastised for their sloppy use of the English language.... except... INDEED.

Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by VanDaim »

Mr. Kool:

With all the respect you deserve as "owner" or, at least, the one in charge (I presume) in, I know that this is a business. My articles were rejected (and well rejected) by bad grammar, awkward wording and another stuff that I cannot remember now. That doesn't make me a bad writer (or at least an assassin of Shakespeare's language)? Let me disagree with you, Mr. Kool.

One more thing: please, be wise on choosing your staff...People that write well is required but being the only requirement need to be met to belong to your staff is quite bad, indeed.

I was "sent off"..but the only thing I can do is to promise that I will return with better work than before. My only frustration was here at this very Forum, when I asked for some proofreaders and no one was available (or no one wanted to do it). Is this the kind of help we get when we are in trouble in this site? That was the worst part of all around here. The lack of support from the other writers is simply disgusting. With human beings like this, humanity is condemned to disappear. Please do not see this as an insult but a relief of tension and anxiety through the expression of repressed thoughts and feelings ( I presume that is a catharsis but I am not sure of the right word...)

Best of luck for your business and for

Acacio Jardim aka Aristide VanDaim
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Mr. Kool didn't say you were a "bad writer." He said, "We are not singling you out as a 'bad' writer." There's a big difference and I think you must have misinterpreted his meaning.

As far as the disgusting lack of support you received from the writers here in the forum - well frankly, I'm baffled by that statement. You received a warm welcome, and even after you revealed that you had been suspended, you received ideas for where to brush up on English and even an alternative content site with less stringent guidelines that might be a good place for you.

Two days ago, on a weekend, you posted that you'd be interested in having someone look at your article but apparently are now disgusted by the lack of a response. Sorry you didn't get a response yet but it's only been one business day - a busy Monday no less.

Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by VanDaim »

[quote="Celeste Stewart"]VanDaim,
Mr. Kool didn't say you were a "bad writer." He said, "We are not singling you out as a 'bad' writer." There's a big difference and I think you must have misinterpreted his meaning.

As far as the disgusting lack of support you received from the writers here in the forum - well frankly, I'm baffled by that statement. You received a warm welcome, and even after you revealed that you had been suspended, you received ideas for where to brush up on English and even an alternative content site with less stringent guidelines that might be a good place for you.

Two days ago, on a weekend, you posted that you'd be interested in having someone look at your article but apparently are now disgusted by the lack of a response. Sorry you didn't get a response yet but it's only been one business day - a busy Monday no less.[/quote]

Maybe I misinterpreted Mr. Kool's words...I didn't know that and all its writers only work from Monday till Friday. I don't have nothing to point out at you, Mrs. Stewart. "Au contraire", like French would say.

Well...I might admit there's a little frustration on my former posts. But I am a 7-day week writer (althought in part-time, everyday is writing day), there's why I've posted on a saturday asking for some assistance but not 2 days ago as Mrs. Stewart wrote... ... =4&t=14145

If you see the date it is saturday but not the 14th...
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Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by HayleyWriter »

As you posted directly under my open invitation for writers wanting help to contact me through the site's email system, I figured you had seen my invite and would contact me if you wanted some assistance. My offer was genuine and you did not take me up on it. I believe the writers on the forum have all tried to help you.

Good luck in your future writing endeavours.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Many of us do write regardless of the day, but anyone who regularly visits the forum knows that it is generally quiet here on weekends. Many of us are spending time with our families. This weekend I did see your request for help, but was busy trying to squeeze in my own projects in between playing with the kids. I thought to myself that I might revisit that thread when things settled down. That was just a "might" - I spend many volunteer hours helping critique the articles of other CC writers as it is and wasn't sure I wanted to devote additional time helping a writer that had already been suspended. Though I'm sympathetic to the situation, I hadn't made up my mind yet whether or not to reach out.

When asking for help, you are asking another person to take time out of his or her schedule, so patience is important. Complaining about a "disgusting lack of support" from other writers after just two days of the request isn't likely to yield the desired results.

I wish you well and am sorry CC has been so frustrating for you.

Re: Rejected...but there's something that bothers me.

Post by VanDaim »

[quote="HayleyWriter"]As you posted directly under my open invitation for writers wanting help to contact me through the site's email system, I figured you had seen my invite and would contact me if you wanted some assistance. My offer was genuine and you did not take me up on it. I believe the writers on the forum have all tried to help you.

Good luck in your future writing endeavours.


If I knew it was THAT easy, I would simply submit it to you... I am not used to bother anyone. That's why I've posted on another place on the forum, at ... =4&t=14145 ("Anyone want to exchange articles by email to proofread?") thinking that with it I would obtain an answer like "yo, noob, try to post that on another thread!".(Ok, maybe in solid english...)
I am not saying that you have the obligation of seeing ALL topics and ALL posts EVERY SINGLE DAY... not everyone is like me. I assumed that, when I posted the first time asking for some help on the link I submitted on this post, those who were asking for assistance would say, politely of course,that that kind of help would be found on another topic. I've only posted on your open invitation because I was waiting for something similar to an answer on the topic where I posted (life signs on that thread would be great!)

[quote="HayleyWriter"] I believe the writers on the forum have all tried to help you [/quote]

If silence is your definition of assistance...they have helped allright.
I can't say that when talking about Mrs. Stewart. She was the only person here that really helped. And it was after my suspension. I must thank her support...and those who so warmly received me here.