Intro for quizzes?

Area for content rejection questions.

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Intro for quizzes?

Post by 4rumid »

Just submitted a quiz for a public request, and heard back that the quiz needed an intro paragraph. Since the request was for a quiz, and the buyer was specific about what he/she wanted, it didn't occur to me to include any other text than that requested by the buyer. I just added some text, but I don't know it's what the buyer wants. Would it be better to write a note in the short summary that the buyer didn't request an intro?

Please help! Tight deadline here!

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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: Intro for quizzes?

Post by Ed »

Please just include a short introductory paragraph. If you were flipping through a magazine and happened upon a quiz, wouldn't you feel more comfortable if a brief introduction prepared you for what you would gain by taking the quiz? All articles submitted to Constant Content should contain introductions, whether they are for requests or not.

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Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:22 pm

Re: Intro for quizzes?

Post by 4rumid »

Thanks for the quick response Ed. About to resubmit. I thought the short summary could be used for that purpose, but moved the summary to body of the article and rewrote short summary.

Thanks again!
Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: Intro for quizzes?

Post by Ed »

Yep - that sounds like a good solution. Thanks!