Can anyone help with my grammar issues?

Area for content rejection questions.

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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:08 am

Can anyone help with my grammar issues?

Post by GabrielM »

Hello all,

Does anyone have a few minutes to take a look at one of my articles? I had no trouble getting my first six articles accepted by C-C, and now I can't get an acceptance to save my life. I just received like my tenth consecutive rejection message, and it's really quite frustrating. All I see in my rejection notices is "We don't accept articles with grammar errors." Writing content for the Web is not exactly new to me, and every online studio seems to like my work except this one. I'm sure that I can deliver what C-C wants if anyone is willing to help me understand what I am doing incorrectly. So, any takers?
Posts: 264
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:22 pm

Re: Can anyone help with my grammar issues?

Post by 4rumid »

Sure, Gabriel. Feel free to send a sample through my author link (RBE Content).
Amy W
Posts: 184
Joined: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:39 pm

Re: Can anyone help with my grammar issues?

Post by Amy W »

If you want another pair of eyes - four eyes, actually, since I wear glasses - I'll take a look at it, too. My author name is Amy W.