I need an editor

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I need an editor

Post by chrissponias »

Hi! One of my articles was accepted by CC, however they rejected the two next articles.

English is my third language and I have no time to study well this language now, so I have an editor for my English articles. I found a very good editor, and this is why I tried submitting articles to CC again, while two years ago when I had submitted my first article, my English was not so good, and I didn’t have a good editor. My first article was rejected and I gave up.

However, from what I understood now, the articles at CC don’t depend only on good English, but mainly on the website’s guidelines.

I have my own online business since 2007 and I don’t have enough time to care about writing articles for other people. I write daily articles promoting my business. However, since I'm a writer, and since now I have learned many things about internet marketing, I feel that I could give many important lessons to the public with this knowledge.

Therefore, when I have time and when I have something interesting to write about, I could write articles about IM and sell them to someone who works in this topic.

My internet business is about mental health – a very difficult field, especially online. So, my knowledge about IM doesn’t fit with my online business, and I don’t have time to promote another business related to IM.

My question is: could I find here at CC an author who would edit my articles according to the website’s guidelines? This would be easier for me than depending on an editor who doesn’t know well these guidelines, even though she knows very well the English language.

Thank you!
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Re: I need an editor

Post by ProlificScribe »

I'm guessing you would have to write the article, post a public request seeking a writer to edit it for you and then set a fee you'd like to pay for their services.

Hope this helps, I'm sure people hire CC writers to proofread or edit a work for them.

Out of curiosity, which three languages do you know?

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Re: I need an editor

Post by chrissponias »

Thank you for your reply!

I'm going to post a public request and see if I can find a good editor who already knows CC's guidelines.

I speak very well Portuguese because I was born in Brazil, and the irony is that until today I correct documents written in Portuguese when I go to my country, when a friend makes a mistake.

I’m a literature writer since I was a child. Then I became a scientist, and I had to abandon literature.

Brazil had too many social and financial problems and I decided to live in Greece because my parents and all my relatives are Greek. So, I also speak Greek very well. This is a very complicated language! I don’t like it for this reason.

I love English because of its simplicity and because if its melody. However, my English is far from perfection…

Wish I knew everything about the English language the same way I know everything about the Portuguese language!
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Re: I need an editor

Post by LaLa »

chrissponias wrote: I love English because of its simplicity
Wow, that's a first! LOL Usually, I hear people complain of the opposite. Being monolingual, I have nothing to compare it to. :)

Just last week, a fellow author here was volunteering her editing services. I don't recall her name, however. You may want to spend some time combing through threads from last week (and possibly the week before). If I recall correctly, she wanted to do it to gain editing experience.

Good luck!
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Re: I need an editor

Post by chrissponias »

Thank you!

I posted a public request already. This way all authors can see my offer.

If you knew how difficult the Greek language is, and the Portuguese too in many ways, you would agree with the simplicity of the English language!
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Re: I need an editor

Post by ProlificScribe »


I agree with you, English is a simple language in a lot of ways once a person can get the *rules* down. Languages like Greek or Portuguese are more highly inflected and can be a lot harder to learn. I can read and understand spoken Portuguese because it's so similar to Italian and Spanish (both of which I'm fluent in), but I've never formally studied Portuguese.

English has a lot of quirkly little rules that can make it difficult to master from a punctuation and grammar standpoint. Fully inflected languages like Greek are difficult from just forming the ends of words! I remember when I took Latin in university.. I was shocked when I found out that one word we were studying could have a lot more than only one or two possible *endings*!

I like the challenge of inflected languages though.

Anyway, good luck on getting your editing figured out

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Re: I need an editor

Post by chrissponias »

Thank you! I guess I’ll find an editor very soon. I already had a preposition, but the price I’ll have to pay for the edition is too high, while I don’t know if I’ll really sell my articles, and when. From complication to complication…

BTW, Greek is more complicated than Latin. There are 5 letters in the Greek alphabet or combinations of letters that mean just “i”. You never know how to write a word if you don’t know its roots and there are “is” in it. There are so many rules and complications in this language that I think that Portuguese is one of the simplest languages of the world compared to Greek.

However, English is the simplest one, without a doubt! You don’t conjugate verbs first of all. Everything is very clear and simple in the English language. I love it! I’m going to study it much better with time.
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Re: I need an editor

Post by ProlificScribe »

I never saw your public request for an editor in the request section. But sometimes they don't show up there for me... I don't know why.

I've always wanted to study Greek. Two years of Greek and three years of Latin are needed before a student could study the Aramaic language at my university. I finished the three years of latin quite easily, but just looking at the Greek text books scared me away from that goal.

Have you tried the Rosetta Stone courses? I know a few people who have taken languages this way and they said it was very helpful for them. I'm thinking about studying German through this method.

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Re: I need an editor

Post by Evelyn »

Hey there. I could volunteer to edit a few of your articles before submitting... Just a few, to get you started down the right path. :D Your command of English is excellent but I can hear your accent, so a little help would go a long way for you.

Send me a private message through my author profile: Evelyn Fielding.

Your voice and style are so good, it would be a shame if you gave up on Constant Content because of some misplaced words. Good luck and take me up on the offer if you want to.

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Re: I need an editor

Post by chrissponias »

Dear Tara,

Thank you for your suggestion! If I had time I would have studied the English language because I love it, while Greek is not a language that attracts me because it is too complicated, and it doesn’t have a nice melody.

The Greek language was distorted with time. The ancient Greek is beautiful, melodic, and clear. However the modern Greek is totally different and too confusing. Even Greeks don’t know how to write it perfectly.

I could teach you the basics if you are still interested in this language. You have to begin learning the Greek alphabet. It’s somehow like Chinese because they have different letters, but since most of them are known in physics, mathematics and medicine, it’s not as hard to learn them as it is to learn Chinese.

I like teaching in general, so I wouldn’t mind giving you a few lessons.


Dear Evelyn,

Thank you for your kind offer! I don’t want to take advantage of your goodness, but I’m going to send you a private message.

I want to write for CC in order to give lessons about internet marketing now that I have learned it, especially in order to help all newbies.

My field is mental health, and I have three websites. I don’t have time to care about writing articles for other people, but sometimes I do have something very interesting to write about IM.

On the other hand, I saw that making money by writing articles is very simple, while selling ebooks online is too hard. I’m an expert in my field and of course I’m going to insist on keeping my internet business, but there is too much work involved on maintaining a business online…

I’m a writer since I was a child, and I had no intention to become a scientist, but it was my destiny to follow this path, far from my country and the Portuguese language that I know so well…

If I simply wanted to make money online I would only work as a freelance writer. However, I have to spread my knowledge, help many people, etc.

I thought that perhaps I should work sometimes as a writer and make money so easily this way, instead of working only promoting my business as I have been doing.

I love teaching. So, it’s a good combination: I can help the public with the knowledge I have about how the internet works, all its dangers and traps, etc, and show to all newbies many things that marketers never tell them because they care only about selling their ebooks, and at the same time make money very easily. Writing for me is pure pleasure.

And Constant Content is a very serious website. Here you find only good articles, really well written. This is why I want to work here and not in a place like Elance or Odesk! I tried to in the past always with the intention to have another income stream besides selling my ebooks, but these companies are horrible. CC is superior in many ways. And my work is superior too, because I teach my readers everything that I know. I don’t simply repeat other authors’ words without having real knowledge about certain subject.