Rejected- If I don't revise and resubmit will it look bad?

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Rejected- If I don't revise and resubmit will it look bad?

Post by kowords »

I submitted an article in response to a request. The request was for expanding the content on a page of a commercial website about their offerings. I picked it as my first assignment thinking it would be easy. It turned out to be much more difficult than anticipated, mostly because I was not clear about what was needed or wanted. I don't disagree with the rejection. Since I tried to match my writing to the style of writing on the rest of the web site I think I undermined myself. Had I written in my own voice the quality of writing would have been much better. That said, I don't want to re-write because I feel uncomfortable about fulfilling the client's needs. I feel as though I'm not clear on what they're asking for.

My question is: Should I scrap the whole piece and start fresh with a new one? Will that reflect poorly on me in editor's eyes? I am wary of re-submitting and getting another rejection on the same piece as I'm new here and don't want two strikes off the bat.

Thank you!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Rejected- If I don't revise and resubmit will it look bad?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

No, I don't think it will look bad at all. I doubt the reviewers notice. Since you're not overly comfortable with the content and since it sounds like you may not want to continue with it, I'd move on. That said, if you like the topic and think you could tweak it to your own personal satisfaction, then I'd go for it. Since the request goes out to the entire community, it's doubtful that the customer will be overlooked if you opt not to continue with this particular submission.
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Re: Rejected- If I don't revise and resubmit will it look bad?

Post by CRDonovan »

Hi Kristin,
There is no pressure to revise an article from the Editor. If you want to scrap the article, go ahead. Or, put it aside and perhaps some time in the future you'll decide to return to it. Either way, it is your decision and will not be held against you.
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Re: Rejected- If I don't revise and resubmit will it look bad?

Post by kowords »

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Re: Rejected- If I don't revise and resubmit will it look bad?

Post by jadedragon »

No problem not resubmitting the article. It sounds pretty specific so if you are not going to revise and resubmit here why not clean it up a little and put it on a revenue share site like Bukisa.