First Rejection - now what?

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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First Rejection - now what?

Post by Kimberlysh »

I submitted my first article last night and received my first rejection today. :oops:
The review mentioned that if I have general questions about the rejection I should visit this forum and give the title of my article so here it is along with the errors.

"Give Your Mom a Gift Basket Full of Love for Mother's Day"
==== Editorial Information for Your Article: ====

Hi - This article has a couple of errors.

Please end all questions with a question mark:
Flowers and candy are nice, but why not show your mom you’ve actually put some thought into her gift this year.

Please use hyphens where necessary to create compound adjectives:
empty[-]looking basket.

Please pay close attention to verb tense:
If your mom is the crafty type, she would[WILL] probably (not sure "probably" is necessary here) love a gift that centers around her hobby.
==== End Editorial Information for Your Article ====

I appreciate that the reviewer was nice enough to include specific items and I have already corrected them. Unfortunately, I'm terrified of re-submitting the article and I have a few questions.

1. Am I supposed to send a reply to the reviewer?

2. Are most of you successful when you re-submit an article or should I just consider writing something shorter?

3. When I'm ready, do I just submit it again or am I supposed to let CC know somehow that it is a corrected article?

Thanks for reading this long post. I think I just need some reassurance that I should keep trying.
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Re: First Rejection - now what?

Post by aprilk10 »

Kim, No need to reply to the reviewer. In fact, I think it may say on there somewhere not to reply. When I have a rejection, it generally goes through after I have made the corrections. If it comes back a second time though, you may want to put it aside for awhile until you can look at it with fresh eyes!

When making the corrections, make sure to proofread the entire article again. Sometimes the editors just point out the first couple of mistakes they find and leave us to find the rest.

Once an article is returned, it is purged from the system. You will just resubmit it like it is a new article. There is no need to include a note that it is a revision.

Hope this helped! Good luck!
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:18 pm

Re: First Rejection - now what?

Post by Kimberlysh »

Thanks April. I guess I was just in panic mode for a little while. I've been proofreading my article so when (if?) I think it's ready I'll make myself re-submit it. The crazy thing is I told myself I was signing up for CC just for fun, but now I have to admit it's a pretty big deal for me. I just don't want to mess it up before I even get started.

Thanks again for your help,

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Re: First Rejection - now what?

Post by VersantScribe »

I did the same thing Kim! My first article was accepted right away, so I sent in another one that was rejected immediately! It kind of shook me up! So I waited (a few months, actually) to correct it and re-submit. My second article got approved over-night and it sold within 16 minutes! So obviously, they were right! :)

Good luck!