How to resubmit after corrections made

Area for content rejection questions.

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Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:00 pm
Location: California

How to resubmit after corrections made

Post by sallic »

Hi everyone, I just had an article rejected for a typo. It's an easy fix, but the instructions sent to me for resubmission are confusing. The typo occurred in the last paragraphh of the article. The instructions said to go to "My Content" and click on "Edit" next to the rejected article. The part of the article to edit is not in this area as I did not submit the entire article to this section, but just one-third of the article. I don't want to do this wrong and get it rejected for that reason. How do I resubmit the article with the one correction? Thanks for your help. I hope this was clear.
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:00 pm
Location: California

Re: How to resubmit after corrections made

Post by sallic »

Hi everyone. Never mind. I must've been having one of those moments. I scrolled down farther on the page and figured it out. Sorry....