Account Suspended

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Account Suspended

Post by Jojz »

Yesterday, I've submitted my first article to CC entitled "Managing Your Asthma: Self-Care Method". I received an email this morning saying my article has been reviewed but has been unfortunately rejected due to "grammar errors", and that my account has been permanently suspended. I'm very aware that my article had many "red lines" in MS Word, but that's because I mentioned a lot of drug generic names and brand names that the dictionary didn't recognize at all. I just cited examples of anti-asthmatic drugs that are commonly used to treat asthma. So i just want to ask, what kind of checking does CC make use of when reviewing articles? I mean, does CC ever let "real persons" check articles as reviewers?
Just asking, I simply want to know the truth in this kind of problem. Thank you.
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Re: Account Suspended

Post by evaku »

I would be very surprised if someone looked at your article and rejected it only because of red lines. And yes, real people check each and every single article. I use a lot of words unknown to Word in my articles, particularly about eastern religions. The editors must always open my files to a lot of red squiggles.

I realize that the way you write in a forum might not accurately reflect how you write articles (I know that I am WAY more casual in forum posts), but if your post is a reflection of how you wrote the article then I can see why. For example, saying "yesterday, I've submitted", and "the truth in this kind of problem." Please don't take that the wrong way, but these kind of issues might be why your account was suspended.
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Re: Account Suspended

Post by Jojz »

Thank you very much for replying. :)
I only wanted to know if CC uses those "robot programs" to screen out messy articles before actually reviewing it. If it means that my article was personally reviewed, then I'm relieved that it has been judged fairly. The rejection hurt me quite bad because it was my very first shot at article-writing, and I was stupid enough to believe that I was doing it right.
Thanks for reminding me that what seems to be correct in my own judgment isn't always correct. You made me realize how I badly need to improve my writing. Thanks again. :D
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Re: Account Suspended

Post by SJHillman »

I believe the only automation they use is for plagiarism checking. If it passes the plagiarism check, then it goes on to a real person. At least I assume the editors are people, I've never actually met one. They could be magical half-platypus refugees from Narnia. But they're not machines.
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Re: Account Suspended

Post by mnicol22 »

Hahaha! SJ, I actually found a post where someone asked Ed if he's a machine. His reply? "Definitely not!" :lol:

I am inclined to believe that the editors have superhuman powers, though. I'd be thrilled if an X-Men kind of guy reviewed my writing. Waaay cool!!! 8)
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Re: Account Suspended

Post by evaku »

No problem Jojz! That's the perfect attitude to take! If you really want to improve your writing then I'm sure you can. Writing has been my dream since I was 11, but when I look back at how I wrote even a year ago I get embarrassed! Keep practicing and looking for advice and see where it takes you. :D
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