I am brand new to Constant Content, so I have no previous experience to draw from. Can anyone tell me if the editors run submitted articles through any type of Grammatical software, or do they go over them manually themselves? I submitted an article and it was rejected 3 times, all due to a comma issue, which would have been no problem except all the editor's note said was "This article is missing commas necessary for clarity or includes commas that are misplaced." I corrected the errors (so I thought), then ran it through three different online checkers and finally got it to a point where it wasn't showing errors regarding punctuation and yet it was still rejected on the 3rd submission. I'd be happy to fix the problem if I knew where the error was. Wouldn't it be easier for the editors to simply highlight the problem area and then tell us to "fix it", rather than give me a vague note on what the problem may or may not be?
P.S. - I'm not even sure if I've used commas correctly in this posting now.
They read it manually. If they left inline notes, they are on the right side of the article edit window. Make sure you scroll down the article to find any at the bottom.
If the editors come across several issues, they sometimes don't point out where they find them. Sometimes they will give you one example, but you have to find the rest. Relying on grammar software is a bad idea.
Grammar software used to work great for me. I used the software from University of Phoenix where I am an alumni. Never had a rejection for the past few years. All of a sudden this year I'm getting lots of rejections. Something changed this year with the editors. Wish I knew what as it would make it a whole lot easier.
My rejection rate has gone up and down here throughout the years. I think it's just that you have to be on point with every submission, and it's hard if you're pushing yourself for a goal and you really are burnt and need a break.
Try not to let it frustrate you, because it'll make it worse. I find the more frustrated I get, the worse I write, so it's best to take a breather from the site. I'll never forget this Twitter article I wrote ages ago. It got sent back twice and I was so frustrated that I was cursing at the screen. Walked away. Didn't look at it for 2 weeks and when I read it again it was like a light bulb. DOH! I found the mistake.
I'm only a weekend writer as I have a full time job during the week. So they send me a rejection the beginning of the week I really don't look at it until weekend. I have no problem making corrections and finding them. I just get frustrated because it takes weeks to get an article accepted sometimes. Mostly because of my schedule!