Quiz written for specific request rejected

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by audrabianca »

I would only question the interpretation of marketing here. If you read the latest copy of the terms of service, CC has set itself up as an ecommerce marketplace that makes services available to both buyers and sellers as it can. Free marketing is not the most accurate term. It is free to upload articles for writers and free for sellers to buy content in the sense that they can just buy without paying to register for an account. CC takes a healthy commission on the writer's side. It might be better to say marketing for CC is front-ended, just like any business. But their investment pays off through sales. Also, we don't have a contractual relationship with CC for employment. We only get the privilege of selling to the buyers they provide through the e-marketplace. There are subtle differences between the current terms of service and the old ones. It is worth reading to understand the business model. It is more like Amazon and eBay sites, but CC takes more care to make using the marketplace attractive to both parties and to provide a professional editor. A difference is the culture that develops on a well-run site like CC, for example, through the forum.

New writers benefit from multiple perspectives on what the CC business model is about. Each one of us uses our own business approach to make income through the CC marketplace, but there are no guarantees. If we weren't selling our work here, we would have to sell our work in other places to earn writing income. I miss the old days when sales were a lot more frequent, but there are also now more regular writers submitting often, and many are writing on similar topics (like business and social media).

We can't give each other a proven business strategy because of the ebbs and flows in the economy. The growth of the site is in everyone's best interest. Here's to more sales through December just in time for the holidays. Happy holidays!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Okay, yeah, not free marketing so to speak, though CC brings the clients to the site and we don't have to go trolling for them. It's up to us to take it from there. It's a loose interpretation but certainly something to consider. Having access to customers ready to buy articles without having to bid is awesome!

As for me, I do little to market myself elsewhere because CC does what it does :) When I was redesigning my website, I remember thinking, "Why am I bothering? I don't need to do this. I'm swamped as it is." I still don't know why I bothered other than for my own vanity.
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Debbi »

CC describes itself as a consignment shop and that's how I've always thought of it, not as an employer, agent, or contractor. That gives me incredible freedome and opportunity to deliver my product when, if, and on what I want to and make a lot more money (if I apply myself) than on other sites. Since I don't have to worry about publicity, security, quality assurance, collecting payments, or maintinaing the web site, I can relax and focus on writing :) Providing all those services is what earn CC its fee.