Hi all my first submission was rejected due to coma usage .....
im wandering how many commas could be wrong in the article could it be just one or will there be many .. i've tried to make some guess of the offending commas:
Naturally, if you could visualise free radicals running through your body turning everything they touch into decay like a sinister
The benefits of ginger root are countless, from remedying flatulence, digestive problems
The three main antioxidants in ginger are curcumin, gingerol and zingerone, but it contains
there are a wide range of articles on its healing benefits, but why not
1,1-diphenyl-2-picryhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, hydrogen peroxide, and (the 1,1-dip is science
They are usually purchased, outside of China, in a
But how do you know how many in total are wrong any advice appreciated .... looks like my main issues are:
comma usage around and and but?
is "naturally, " at the begining of a sentance wrong when i read it out loud the pause after Naturally seems fine?
Can't believe i actually did the last one
I've never felt so scared about my writing, lol
commas :-(
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: commas :-(
You were sent a link to a document that describes rules for comma usage. Please review the document and apply the rules to your writing. Making a "guess" about comma placement is not the best course of action.
Re: commas :-(
yep im working through the links but don't want to waste your time so I would rather get it right for my next submission...