Yes, if anything is falsely alleged on account of jealousy, prejudice or hatred then it's a punishable offence. However, if it's supported with facts and it proves it comprehensively then it's praiseworthy. I fully agree with you guys that my article on Homosexuality had some codemnatory words a little too much. Nevertheless, it would have been rejected even if it had only one condemnatory word.We could not accept your content, "The Two Worlds"
==== Rejection Information for Your Article: ====
Our guidelines state that articles must: Be free of unprofessional vocabulary, derogatory remarks, or innuendo towards any individual or group--including those that may be construed as offensive by any person of a certain race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.
If you submit further content of this nature, your account will be immediately suspended.
==== End Rejection Information for Your Article ====
I would ask here you all too; the same question that formed the basis of the whole article.
"One of the criteria or litmus test of a behavior that is beneficial to humanity at large is, "what if the action that you are legalizing/promoting is exercised by a majority of the people of the world? Will it advance humanity or will it retard it? Will it benefit the society or will it harm it?”
What do you all think of this homosexual behavior?" [excerpt from the rejected article]
I hope no one would construe this innocent question as offensive.