I have learnt a lot from all the posts in this forum. Thank you. However, one question remains.
My first article, 'Five Novels to Keep You Warm,' was rejected. The reason given, which makes perfect sense, was this: We cannot accept content with large excerpts taken from other texts. Customers are looking for content written in the author's own words.
I've read the points made in the forum and am aware that 'extensive quotes (more than two sentences/lines) should be in block quotes and that customers are looking for original content.' Also, 'an article that contains extensive quotation should not be submitted to CC. Quotes should always be used sparingly, set off from the text appropriately (with quotation marks), and the original source should be referenced...' (http://www.constant-content.com/forum/v ... ext#p35141)
I would like to resubmit this article in a few days. As the title suggests, it will be about five novels. Rather than just give a synopsis of the novels, I'd like to give the reader an idea of authors' style of writing and some of the beautiful pharases in the texts. This will mean that I might still need a few quotes. I do not wish to repeat the mistake I made and would like to know, is there a guide as to how much I can quote? In other words, how much of 'quoting from another text' would make it too much?
Thank you.
large excerpts
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: large excerpts
Authors who wish to quote from other sources should only use a couple of lines from that source.
Re: large excerpts
Thanks for this instruction, Ed. It's much appreciated.