If you are familiar with Nietzsche you will understand why the disclaimer may need to be made, after all Nietzsche advocated an "amoral" world. And what is called "active nihilism" affirming reality as it is rather then attempting to end suffering and poverty. Nietzsche argues that the root cause of both of these things is the attempt to vilify them rather than moralize them, by accepting reality and suffering as an opportunity to be individual we avoid the world of "The Last Man."
All of this was clearly mentioned and explained in my article and is an accurate representation of applying Nietzsche to american policy and what positive results it may offer. The article was initially accepted but then it was rejected for the following reason:
After rereading the terms of service and writing submission guidelines I found nothing to indicate that an accurate analysis of Nietzsche was against the rules. Perhaps Nietzsche was a lunatic, but does that mean that writing about his idea's is not allowed? This facet of Nietzschean ideals has been the subject of hundreds of qualified writers such as:This article was accepted by mistake. We cannot consider content that promotes this way of thinking or promotes the idea of inaction/indifference in the case of genocide. Do not resubmit.
William Rasch, The Henry H. H. Remak Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University
Michael Dillon, Lecturer at University of Lancaster
Julian Reid, Lecturer at University of London about International Politics
James Der Derian, Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts
David Owen, Deputy Director of the Centre for Post-Analytic Philosophy at University of Southampton
Wendy Brown, Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley
And countless others whose writings support the case that I make in this short (approximately 700 word) analysis of Neitzsche.
How can I contest the review of this article and have it considered for re-submition? Or perhaps I am wrong, should this sort of article not be put on Constant-Content as means of meeting the Existential.com request for Philosophical Analysis?