How long does it take for your article to be Approved...

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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How long does it take for your article to be Approved...

Post by Mike2839 »

...Or Rejected?

I just found out about CC an hour ago and made my first article. I was just wondering, how long does it take for them to review it?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: How long does it take for your article to be Approved...

Post by HayleyWriter »

Hi Mike,

Welcome to CC. Before you submit your first article, do check it meets all the submission guidelines: ... elines.htm. If it doesn't, your article will be rejected. As for the review time, it depends on the article - whether it is for a private or public request as these are reviewed quicker) and how many articles are in the queue for review. It can take a few business days for articles you write "on spec" (without a request) to be reviewed. You can submit up to three articles at a time when you first start, so you can write another article or two while you wait. Once you have a few articles approved, you can submit more articles at a time.

I can understand that you are excited by the prospect of earning money through CC, but do take plenty of time to review the submission guidelines and check your articles meet the guidelines. Proofread your articles very carefully. If you have three rejections without an article being approved, your account here may be cancelled and you won't have the opportunity to make CC a long-term earning prospect. It pays to slow down at first and get it right here. I did and now CC is a great income earner for me. Many new people waste the opportunity by rushing in at first and getting too many rejections. I hope you will become a long-term member of the best writing community online.

Hope this helps,

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Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:52 pm

Re: How long does it take for your article to be Approved...

Post by Mike2839 »

Thanks for the quick response. If I delete my article in review will that count towards a rejection?

Also are these the guidelines to follow? ... elines.htm

Is that it?

Edit: Do I also need it to have an into, body and conclusion? Or can it be in paragraph form?
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Re: How long does it take for your article to be Approved...

Post by CRDonovan »

Hi Mike,

Here's the extended guidelines for submission:

[url] ... elines.htm [/url]

I don't know if I'm linking correctly - but if you look in the Updates for Authors section, our Editor, Ed, refers to it in the first thread What's New at CC.

If you delete your submission before it is reviewed, that will not count as a rejection. I understand your enthusiasm to get started, but it is good advice to take some time, read the forums, browse some of the content that is submitted here, and get a clear idea of what you need to do.

Good luck.
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Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:52 pm

Re: How long does it take for your article to be Approved...

Post by Mike2839 »

Thanks guys for the quick replys and advice. I'll be sure to read all the guidelines before I submit a article.
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:52 pm

Re: How long does it take for your article to be Approved...

Post by Mike2839 »

Also, do I need it to have an into, body and conclusion? Or can it be in paragraph form?
Posts: 248
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:39 am
Location: Vermont

Re: How long does it take for your article to be Approved...

Post by CRDonovan »

Hi Mike, yes you do want an introductory paragraph, followed by the body of the article - however many paragraphs that may be, and a concluding paragraph. If you didn't check out the extended guidelines from Ed, do look at them. Sorry I can't seem to get an active link going - (new computer). But it is under the thread What's New at CC in the Updates for Authors portion of this forum. Lots of specific info there that should answer your questions.