Following advice from support resulted in rejection?

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:16 am

Following advice from support resulted in rejection?

Post by PennieJ »


I emailed support to ask about posting previously published work for usage and was advised to put a note in the summary box noting the previous publication.

I did this as advised when submitting my article "Baby Led Weaning - Starting Baby on Solids With Finger Foods First" and it was rejected with a note telling me there should not have been a reference in the summary to previous publication.

The email I received in response to my initial query from support said this:

"Submitting work published elsewhere for usage license is allowed.
However, it really helps us if you put a note into the summary that
notes that you have published this elsewhere. This note can be removed
once the article is approved. Having the same pen name on both
articles is also helpful for us identifying that you are indeed the
original author."

The rejection said this:

==== Editorial Information for Your Article: ====

Do not include information about previous publication in your short summary or anywhere within the submission. Thanks.

==== End Editorial Information for Your Article ====

Will this count as one of my three strikes? I feel a bit upset as I specifically emailed support to ask how to submit previously published work before submitting and even changed my pen name to ensure no rejection and now have received one any way.... :roll: :(
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Following advice from support resulted in rejection?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

It shouldn't count as a "strike." Remember, the so-called strikes and account suspension are used to for serious issues like major grammar problems or a lack of basic English skills. Now that CC has a team of reviewers instead of just one, individual preferences and the occasional mixed message appear to be coming into play periodically. I wouldn't worry about this being held against you.
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:16 am

Re: Following advice from support resulted in rejection?

Post by PennieJ »

Thank you Celeste for the reassurance... Much appreciated!
