
Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:38 am


Post by karrie1908 »

Hi all,

I have been a writer here for two years. I have fifteen articles posted and four or five sold. I have not written much in the last year because I was off sick. My question is this, the rules seem to have gotten much tighter than I remember and the first article I submitted in over a year was rejected twice before it was accepted should I be worried about submitting this next one? If I submit it and it gets rejected will I end up banned? I suppose on some level I am being paranoid but I really cannot afford to lose this as an income stream now that I have decided to focus on writing full time. I know my editing is not the best and it will take me a few articles to get back with it, will I have that chance? If I am able to turn a rejection into an acceptance is that a positive?

Any insight would be appreciated.

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Re: Worried

Post by jadedragon »

The ban hammer is used for "writers", and I use that term loosely, that obviously can't meet the standard here. CC needs good writers for without the writers there is nothing to sell and no one makes any money. Relax, double check your work and get back up to speed.
Posts: 33
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:48 am

Re: Worried

Post by webscribe »

I'm quite surprised by the amount of trepidation among writers about submitting to Constant. The editors here have been wonderfully patient and tolerant with me over some silly mistakes I've made. It sounds like you're just nervous because you haven't been writing for quite a while. As writing can be a psychological game, you probably can't tell anymore if you're good just by looking at your own stuff. I know when I look at my own work too long I invariably despise it :) . However, if I put it away and come back to it in a week, it seems to improve in my absence.

Maybe you could try this approach, too. Write a few articles and put them away or just move onto something else. When you come back to them in a week, I promise you'll see things there you couldn't see before.

Try to relax and best of luck!
Posts: 33
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:48 am

Re: Worried

Post by webscribe »

Oh, and just as a P.S...

You have 15 articles accepted, which proves that you can do this. If you're just a little rusty right now, some practice should get you up to snuff again. I don't think you can have lost your ability during your hiatus though you may be a little wobbly at first.

Bonne chance!