Professional Language
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Professional Language
I submitted an article, "5 Things You Need to Know about Online Dating for a public request. It was rejected for a few easily fixable reasons, except one. The request specifically asked that we be "personal and playful." I refrained from using "I" and kept it professional, but I did put a few jokes in there, because that was what I was asked to do. Still, my article was rejected for not using "professional language." When we submit, we specify for which request we are submitting, but do the editors check those requests and take that into consideration?
Re: Professional Language
I can't answer for them, but if I ever deviate from the guidelines for a customer, I always put an explanatory note to them in my short summary. Once the article is acccepted, I go to edit and delete that bit from the summary.
Re: Professional Language
Oh, thank you. I thought about doing that but was afraid they wouldn't accept it if that was in the summary. Ha