Rejection Confusion

Area for content rejection questions.

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Rejection Confusion

Post by kay1122 »

I'm confused by the rejection I got today. The article is titled "Family Advantages to Working from Home" and it was written for a public request that is close to ending now. I would still like to submit it for general use since I feel the article is good. However, I'm not sure what the editor is looking for. The request reads: "This is a good article, but it takes too long to get to the main idea. I think you can spend a lot less time taking down the alternatives and get right into the benefits of working at home." I'm not sure what this means. A sentence or two in each paragraph talks about the way a job outside the home works versus working for yourself at home, but other than that, I don't see what the editor is asking for. Those sentences are important to the theme of the article. Anyone have any suggestions? I can show the article if needed. Thanks!
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Re: Rejection Confusion

Post by jadedragon »

Don't post the article or you can't sell it.

It sounds like the editor wants you to tighten up the article. Web readers like short and to the point. He/she is giving good advice. Read it again with the advice in mind and you will get to a better article.
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Joined: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:45 am

Re: Rejection Confusion

Post by kay1122 »

I already tried that and I just don't see what I can cut. It isn't really that long...992 words. Is that too long? The request wanted content that size.
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Re: Rejection Confusion

Post by jadedragon »

I doubt it is a length issue, it sounds like a wordiness issue. Hard to know without seeing the article though.