My CC account got suspended after submitting two articles.

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My CC account got suspended after submitting two articles.

Post by faith »

Hi friends! I know that the quality of articles expected by CC is extremely high. There must be some serious mistakes I had committed in order to get my account suspended. :(

The problem is: I'm not able to figure out my mistakes. I am including the CC reply as well as my article below. Please point out the errors in my article, I shall really be thankful to you. :)

The article:

Simple Effective Ways to Avoid Mean People

No one is born mean. In this world, everything – good or bad, has certain reasons; and that includes different behavioral traits exhibited by people as well. A person who acts mean often has certain hidden reasons for it, mostly unknown to the person himself. Having dug deeper, it is possible to find the valid psychological causes for the nature of behavior shown by a mean person. The reason may be anything, including but not limited to the lack of possession of a caring family, the effect of foul company or bad experience in trusting people in the past.

Your first strategy, while dealing with mean people, should be sincere efforts to become friendly with them and make them friendly in turn. However, very often, this is not an easy task. Therefore, if you fail doing this repeatedly, the following approaches will help you keep mean people out of your life:

Avoid mean people in general

First thing is first. The best thing you can do in order to avoid mean people is to avoid their company altogether. Try to show them that you do not care that they exist and make yourself actually believe that. Do not make eye contact with them and stay as much away as possible. Ignore them completely as long as it does not interrupt your own life.

Do not respond when they act mean

To hear someone say something hurtful and not respond back is tough. But when dealing with mean people, it is best to not respond at all. The truth is - if you refrain from responding to someone’s mean comment, it does not show that you are weak or immature. It just shows that you are strong and mature enough to choose the people you want around you wisely.

Pretend that you did not get their meanness

If mean people say something mean, pretend as if you did not notice the negativity. Respond in a manner which shows as if you were unable to understand the wicked part of their comment. This will most likely annoy them since their attempt to offend you will end up in vain. If you follow this strategy, for the most part, they will keep quiet and will be too ashamed to try to rephrase the sentence in order to make you understand.

Be polite and show that you are a good person

One thing that mean people totally hate and cannot withstand in any way is politeness. If they are being mean to you and you act all polite in return, it will not only annoy but also embarrass them. Hence, show them that you are a good person, and act friendly with a smile the next time they act mean to you. After a while they will notice it and stop bothering you. They may also try to change their attitude toward you and become friendly in return.

Our society consists of different types of people - some very welcoming and warm and the rest, rejecting and cold. But you, as an individual, should always try to become a positive part of the society; no matter what the others around you exhibit.

Mean people had always been, and will always be an unavoidable frustration of the social hub. However, if you try your best to patiently respond to the situations involved, you will be surprised to see how much your attitude influences the positivity around you. So love everyone, be positive and enjoy life; and always remember that time is too precious to be spent hating others.

The CC reply:

We have reviewed your content, "Simple Effective Ways to Avoid Mean People." Unfortunately, we can no longer consider this article for approval. Please do not resubmit.

==== Editorial Information for Your Article: ====

We do not accept content with grammar errors, problems with awkward wording, or other errors. Your submissions do not meet our requirements. Your account has been suspended. We will consider no more of your work.

==== End Editorial Information for Your Article ====

Please take this information into consideration for future submissions. In addition, Submission Guidelines should be followed to avoid repeated rejections:

Submission Guidelines ... elines.htm

Because this article was purged from our system once it was rejected, editors may not be able to answer specific questions about it. If you have a general question about your rejection, please visit the Article Rejection forum – be sure to include the article title in your post. In addition to the Article Rejection forum, other forums may help you get answers for other questions you may have about Constant Content.

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Thank you

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I always had good grades in English papers; and my grammar is considered to be good, if not the best by most people I know. I had also submitted an article named 'Five Genuine Reasons to Avoid Facebook' on 12th. The fact that has surprised me the most is that I had submitted the above article only 4 hours before I got their reply. I found this strange since the review process is supposed to take much more time than that according to the forum discussions.

Please read the article above and help me understand my errors. Is there a way to restore my account (i.e. only if you think that my article does not contain serious errors.)? :D
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Re: My CC account got suspended after submitting two articles.

Post by evaku »

Hi faith, I read over your article and I have to say I agree with what the editor told you. In the first few sentences alone I found myself stumbling over awkward wording, a random semicolon, grammar mistakes, and so on.

You wanted specific errors to be pointed out, so here is one:

"the lack of possession of a caring family"

is a strange way to say it. I know what you mean, but it did take me a few seconds to figure it out, and you shouldn't make the reader work that hard. You're trying to say something simple, so just say it simply. "People might act mean because they grew up in an uncaring family..." or even just "the lack of a caring family." Something like that.

I got great grades in English too but nothing I ever wrote back then would fly on here. Take what the editor said to heart. It's possible to improve by leaps and bounds if you really want to. Good luck!
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:33 am

Re: My CC account got suspended after submitting two articles.

Post by faith »

Thanks a lot for replying! :D
Will you please point out some more of my errors, including grammar errors? About awkward wording, I didn't know that I had to be too direct. After a few months of improving my English, how can I work with CC again?
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